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Ivan swore to make this fun for me

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Ivan swore to make this fun for me. I stayed behind him, laughing at the swooshing feel of the blowing wind.

This feels great, although I'm scared to fall off. He assures me I won't fall off and I continue to hold onto him. The ride takes a while and it calms my nerves down as every second passes. He knows how to make me feel good when I need it.

Ivan stops at a diner and he holds my hand. "You can let go now." He says and I let go of him, taking in a deep breath. I release my fist and step down first. Ivan comes down and gets close to me. He takes the helmet off my head and I sigh calmly. He ruffles my hair and chuckles. I run my fingers in my hair because I know my hair can be stubborn sometimes. "Let's go," he puts the helmet on the motorcycle, binds it with it and walks beside me.

"That was... fun," I mumble.

"You sure? It's always scary during the first ride."

I smile and say, "it was a little scary, but I got used to it."

"Look at you acting like a big girl already," his voice teases and we laugh it off. He tugs on the jacket on him and we walk inside.

Few people turn to us and look away, seeing Ivan. I do not blame them. He has a cold and eerie personality. I walk ahead to take a seat on our right and see some girls giggling. The four-seater chair is the only one available. Why can't they make two? There are other people seated around the table I have my eyes on. I sit down first and Ivan sits away from me. From where he's seated, he can see the girls who do not stop looking at him. The black-haired girl slurps on her drink, keeping eyes on him and smiling.

Ivan does not look away from her. He smirks and runs a hand on his neck. This is kind of sickening to watch. The waitress approaches us with two menu cards and places them in front of us. She smiles at him and he keeps a straight face.

"Can you suggest something on the menu?" His voice gets a little deeper and she stands there, blinking at him. Ivan looks up at her.

"Yeah... uh, the..."

"I'll take the seafood noodles," I cut in because she seems to have swallowed her tongue.

"I'll take whatever is edible," Ivan says to her and she smiles at him. Then, she picks up the menu cards and walks away. You never have to ever think of falling in love with guys with this. He'll fuck anything in a skirt that breathes.

The dark-haired girl stands up from her seat and walks to where we are. She sits on the empty chair beside him and I expect him to tell her he's got company, but he just stares at her. I am not bothered a bit at this. We do not have that kind of relationship. We're not restricted from seeing other people. It was just kissing and he made it pretty clear to me we will always be just friends.

I pick up my phone from my shoulder bag and go to my Twitter page. Scrolling through the timeline, I see a news headline that catches my attention.

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