Move In

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We've been kissing from Ivan's car to his room in the hostel and he's been chuckling at how I don't want to let go of him

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We've been kissing from Ivan's car to his room in the hostel and he's been chuckling at how I don't want to let go of him. I am obsessed with him. Can't he see that? He is lying on top of me on his bed, stops kissing me and stares at me. "Kara,"

"Why have you stopped?" I heave.

"I don't want to do this with you today."

"Why?" My mood changes, I'm hurt he always tries to keep his hands off me. I'm taking in deep breaths and he's still staring at me. "Ivan, say something already. Why don't you want to do this with me?"

"Nothing. I just don't feel good about it." He gets off me and sits on the bed.

"You feel good fucking other people, but you don't feel good touching me?" I ask confusingly. "Are you in some kind of cult?"

"Let's not argue anymore today. It drains me." I hold his hand and push close to him.

"Let's just kiss. I don't want sex either." I smile at him. He carries me on his lap and starts kissing me again.

"This feels good," he admits.

"I hate you for making me think you hated me." He chuckles on my lips and softly bites on my neck. "Was it..." I moan. "Fun?"

"It was crazy." He pulls away and looks at me. "I was scared for you. That girl is still in a coma because of me. I don't know what else that motherfucker will do."

"Sean?" He nods his head. I cup his face in my palms and kiss him on his forehead. "Nothing will happen to me,"

"You've not seen how crazy and stupid he can be."

"I can manage some craziness. You're a handful yourself."

"We might have our similarities, but he's much worse than I am." I kiss on his cheeks. "If we're going to do this, you have to be close to me all the time. Don't go anywhere without telling me and keep your phone on all the time."

"I don't like that, though. It screams insecurity." I scrunch my face and he sighs.

"I'm not doing this because I want to. I'm trying to keep you safe..."

"From who? The organization? Or your brother?"

"Both," he answers. "You know what, forget it. This isn't going to work." He tries getting up and I hug him. He puts his arms around me and sighs calmly. "I don't want anything to happen to you, Kara."

"I'll be safe. I promise you that." He pats on my back. "Can I sleep here today?"

"No, go to your room. I don't want to fuck you."

"Are we not supposed to be fucking?" I look at him. "I want you in me." He laughs. "Should I try to seduce you? I should try." I get off his lap and stand in front of him. "Hey Ivan," I joke. "Do you want to put your dick in my hole?" He laughs instead and I kick him in the knee.

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