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Waking up alone on this bed isn't what I envisioned for

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Waking up alone on this bed isn't what I envisioned for. It's just me on the bed and no Ivan in sight. I get up from the bed and go to the bathroom to wash down. I brush my teeth and clean up. I put on a dress and walk out of the room, hoping to see Ivan. I walk to the hall and hear voices from the kitchen.

I head to the kitchen and there's Myra and I don't know if that is Ivan or Sean. "Hey," I say and peck on Myra's cheeks. They're having breakfast. "Is that Sean?" I whisper to her and she nods. "Hey Sean," I smile at him and he doesn't smile back. He continues eating his food and I look at Myra. What did I do to him?

Myra gets up and serves me breakfast. The hangover is killing me. My head is aching and I feel feverish. Sean gets up from his seat and walks away.

"Why is he mad?" I ask Myra and she sips on her fruit juice with a smile on her face. "Myra,"

"I would be mad too. You and Ivan turned this place into a whore-house last night and he was furious." She laughs.

"Where is Ivan?"

"He left this morning after working out." She answers and stares at me. "Are you two back together?"

"Obviously," I say. We had sex last night and I'm sure he still wants to be with me. If he didn't, he wouldn't have had sex with me.

Myra leaves after breakfast, saying she has a date with Wes. I still cannot believe she chose to get back with him. Funny how I am in the same boat with her this time.

Sean and I are left alone in the house and I do not want to get close to him. I get back to my room and lie down on the bed. Why did Ivan leave without saying anything to me? He will surely come home, but I'm starting to have a bad feeling. The door opens and I sit up on the bed. Sean walks in and stands at the door, watching me. "You need something?" I inquire.

"After all the drama, you still let him fuck you."

I roll my eyes and ask, "What's your problem with that?"

"Kara, I told you how I felt about you and you decided to fuck him while you knew I was right here, hearing all your crazy moans. Why is it so hard choosing me over him? We have the same fucking face and he doesn't even want you anymore."

Sean is right, they do have the same face. But what I feel for Ivan is different from what I feel for Sean. "He does," I answer and he laughs.

"Really? He told me this morning that you just needed some dick"

"Ivan loves me." I firmly say and Sean scoffs. "And you, you just want to have me in your possession. You're mad you can't have me. You want me to crave for you like other girls do. You may have the same face, but you're nothing like him. You took my innocence..."

"You came back for more." He states.

"Because I thought I needed it. I don't need you." He comes towards me and I get up from the bed. "You don't like me like you say you do. You just want to spite Ivan and I'm not going to let you do that."
Sean stops walking and looks at me. "That's what you think of me?" He questions. "According to your words, I don't have the right to like someone?"

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