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Two days of being away from Ivan

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Two days of being away from Ivan. The bruises on my face have reduced just a bit. I still don't want him to see me like this, so I text him, letting him know I am doing okay and just need some time alone. His response was "okay." Just okay?! Is he mad at me? He should be. I would be mad too if he left my side without telling me where he's been at.

Being at the hotel starts to get boring and I miss Ivan so much. I don't want to be kept here anymore. I dress up into my clothes and leave the hotel. I thank Sean over a text and he still hasn't replied. Is he okay?

I get in my car and drive away, heading to our 'home'. I am nervous at how angry he's going to get. I am not ready for any argument. My head still throbs from the pain.

I get home, see Ivan's car and park behind him. I nervously walk inside the house, thinking of all the lies I can come up with to suppress his anger but there is none! Where do all my lies go when I need them? I walk inside and he's walking down from the stairs shirtless, with a cigarette in his hand.

"Babe," I awkwardly say. He walks down and goes ahead to the kitchen without talking to me. The smoke from the cigarette stains the room and I take in a deep breath. "Ivan," I follow his lead to the kitchen and he gets a bottle of whiskey and a glass from the shelf.

"How are you?" He asks and pours himself a glass.

"I'm... fine."

Ivan takes the glass up and sips on it. "What happened to your face?" He's sipping on the whiskey, staring at me.

"I got into an accident." Really Kara? That is what you can come up with?

"So you were at the hospital?" I nod my head. "Is the car okay?"

"You're concerned about the car?"

"Yes, I am. I'm wondering if you spent the rest of the day at a mechanic shop fixing the car." Can he sense that I'm lying to him? "Shouldn't you be preparing to get ready for the interviews?"

"Yeah, I'll do that," I say and walk away to the bedroom. I put down my bag, take off my heels and cuss loudly. "Fuck!" I pick up my phone from my bag and it's been turned off. The battery died. I take a charger and plug in the phone. I turn on the phone and I sigh. I send Myra a message and she calls me right away.

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