Love Gone

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Hurt, bruised and having no damn energy to breathe anymore, I hear him call out my name

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Hurt, bruised and having no damn energy to breathe anymore, I hear him call out my name. Slowly, I open my eyes and my view is blurry. Is this another dream? I wished all night and day for someone to get me out of this hell hole. I blink and tears fall out. "Roy," I mumble his name.

"Hey, I'm here," he smiles at me and I nod. There's blood all over his face and arms. I want to touch him, forgetting I'm still tied to the chair. Ivan goes ahead to untie the ropes these motherfuckers used on me. I groan at the pain on my arm. It feels sore. "Sorry," he says and takes it off me. He looks at the door, looks at me and sigh. Ivan holds my hand and smiles at me. "This might be the last time we see each other..."

"No, don't put that in my head. We're getting out of here safe and sound," I softly say to him. My throat is dried up and I am weaker than ever.

"There's an old house a few steps away from here. I want you to run to it, hide and wait until I come for you."


"Kara listen to me," he shakes my hand. "I'm not sure I'll make it out of here." He says and I begin to cry. I suddenly hear gunshots downstairs. "They're not going to hurt you. They want me instead, so do as I say, okay?" I nod and he wipes my tears. "Can you walk? I need you to stay behind me,"

"Yeah, I can," Ivan helps me stand on my feet. I hug him briefly and he pats my back.

"Let's go," he smiles at me and takes the lead. "Sean is here. We'll be fine." I nod slowly. Why am I having a bad feeling about this? "Walk behind me." He instructs and I stand behind him. Ivan holds my hand and the bracelet looks good on his hand. I need a distraction. I'm trembling at the thought of something worse happening to him. "Kara," he calls, looking out the door.


"You do know I love you, right?" He asks and I bite my lips.

"How could I not know?" I chuckle softly and sniff. "Can I hug you for two seconds?"

"Yeah, you can." I hug him from behind, holding onto him tightly and letting out my tears. Heavy footsteps get closer and I let go of him. He takes out a gun from the back pocket of his jean. "You ready?"

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