Bad Bitch

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"When did we kiss?" I try to keep my composure

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"When did we kiss?" I try to keep my composure. "Did we... use to... you know?" I stutter and he chuckles.

"We kissed on his bed. You were asleep." I blink continuously and he pushes forward. "The stranger you met at the masquerade ball."

"That was you?" No wonder he looked familiar. I said before his physique was similar to Ivan's, but I never knew Ivan had a twin, so I never guessed. A waiter approaches the table and welcomes us with smiles. She talks us through the menu and I order the chef's special. Sean orders too and she goes back. I put my hand on the table and stare at him as he's doing to me. "Do you hate your brother?"

"He thinks so, but I don't hate him. I look like him so hating him means hating myself." I roll my eyes at him. "What do you like about him?" He questions.

"Can we not talk about him?"

"Do you love him?"

"Sean," I warn and he smiles. "If we're going to be here, do not talk about him."

"So you do love him?" I eye him and he chuckles. "Don't you have questions for me?"

"I do," I lean forward. "What do you guys do? Ivan wouldn't tell me. I want to know."

Sean scratches his head and smirks. "Our dad runs an organization." He simply says and I raise an eyebrow at him. "Isn't that what he told you too?"

"Yes, but I don't buy it," I answer with a shrug.

"I knew you would be smart." He laughs. "I'll make this simple for you. We kill people, deal in drugs and supply ammunition to a bunch of bad people. We're not part of any gang, but they go through us. We're their head. We can link them up and break them up if they mess up, and most of these high society people depend on us. We are their backbone. Most of them cannot function without my dad's influence."

"Who's your dad?"

"That's the part you cannot know. Your boyfriend believes that will fuck you up." I nod my head slowly. "You still want to be part of the family?" He teases.

"I don't. Being involved with you guys is going to tore me apart and he already warned me about it."

"You should've listened. He didn't lie. If my dad finds out, you know half of this," he slits a finger below his chin, indicating death. "You'll be gone in a flash."


"Yes. He's taking a risk involving you in his life because I wouldn't do that dumb shit," he snickers. "I wouldn't want to put my girl in this mess. He should've just fucked you and dumped you like he's been doing for years. I loved the part where I was always the one breaking up with them in his stead. It was so fun." He bursts into laughter and I frown at him. "Why do you girls fall in love with him? Is it because he looks like me?" I roll my eyes and he laughs again.

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