Right Here

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I shift uncomfortably on the bed as I get ready to hear about Ivan's life

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I shift uncomfortably on the bed as I get ready to hear about Ivan's life. "I'm only telling you this because you told me your secrets. If this should go out, I'll know it was you." Why is he trying to scare me? He shakes his head and slams his face. "I'm sorry. I can't put you through that. I'll tell you everything you need to know about me when it's necessary."

"You're a gang leader?" I put it out there.

"What the fuck is a gang leader?" He chortles. "We run an organization."

"Who are the 'we' and what organization?" I cajole and he smirks at me.

"Stop trying to outsmart me."

I pout my lips at him and he sighs. "Do you know people think we're fucking?"

"I'm not surprised they added you to the list of girls I've been fucking. People in this school are so weird. Everyone, including the staff and lecturers, they're all weird."

"Are you a spy?" Ivan bursts into laughter and I laugh with him.

"So the only thing that comes into your mind when you see someone with guns and has lots of tattoos is a gang leader or a spy?"

"Then what are you?"

"Someone worse," he smiles.

"A mafia lord?"


"Ugh! Stop teasing me and tell me what you are. I told you I don't mind how bad it is."

"It's not about you knowing about me. I can't protect you. I really can't. I'm still bad at this. They sent me here to learn, not to make friends and start telling them who I am." He is confusing me again. "I'm sorry, Kara, but I can't let you in on that."

"Does this have to do with the tattoo on your back? The organization?" I gulp and he nods. "Okay, whenever you're ready, just let me know." I hold his hand and smile at him. Being his friends is hard, when all I want to do is kiss him.

Being with Ivan and not touching him is the hardest. How do I tell him I want him to kiss me as he used to without sounding like a pervert?

"Why was that guy harassing you?"

"He's just stupid." I huff and let go of his hand.

"You and Tucker... look great together." I hate the sound of this. "You should give him a chance."

"Can you stop?" I request to him. He doesn't say any more words to me.

Looking at his cold stare makes me want to kiss him again.

It's been days since we last kissed and I miss his gelid lips on mine. I push myself towards him and he notices I'm about to kiss him. Ivan watches me get close to his lips, I feel his breath on my skin and every strength in me is begging me to dismiss it, but I want this. I am vulnerable. I have gotten addicted to his touch and I know how it makes me feel. That numbing feel of his gelid kisses makes me want more of it.

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