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Myra arrives at Ivan's house and I walk out of the house to meet her

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Myra arrives at Ivan's house and I walk out of the house to meet her. She's surprised Ivan has a place like this and still stayed at the hostel. He had told me he came there for the social experience. I'm glad he did because I got to meet him. We walk inside the house and Sean is standing in the living room. I can identify him by the clothes he's still wearing.

"Hi Myra," he waves at Myra. How does he know her?

"Hey Ivan," Myra says and I stifle a laugh.

"You're looking very sexy today." Sean continues to play with her. Myra has no idea. I don't blame her, it's not easy to tell them apart. "What have you been eating? Your boobs got bigger."

Myra leans closer to my ear. "Is he drunk? He's very chatty today." I smile at her. Ivan comes out of the kitchen holding a bottle of water in his hand. "Holy shit."

"Stop playing around, Sean," Ivan warns him. "Hey," he says to Myra and heads upstairs.

"Who's Ivan?" Myra questions and I point to Ivan. "That's Sean?"

"Uh-huh," I say and she walks closer to him. Myra stands in front of him and holds his hand.

"They're clones!" She says. I look at Ivan and he stands by the stairs looking back at me. Then, he signs at me to come over. I walk to him and he hands me the bottled water.

"Drink," he says. I open the bottle and drink the water while looking at him. "I sent you the assignments and possible examination questions to your email. Check them out when you're free."

I wipe my mouth with the back of my palm. "Thank you."

"Let me know if you need anything." I shake my head to him. "If you feel uncomfortable being here, let me know. I'll leave."

"This is your house."

"I'll be okay wherever I go to. You can't be seen in public now, can you?" He does have a point. "It's good to see you and Sean getting along."

"Yeah," I awkwardly look around. "Do you hate me?"

"I can't. I want to, because that would make things easier for us, right? You can't be seen with a guy like me now." He forces a smile at me. "I'm back to being their puppet again." He nods his head to where Sean is. I glance at Sean and he's making Myra laugh out loud.

"Is there really no way to get out of this?"

Ivan shakes his head and heaves a sigh. "I tried all I could, Kara. I wanted you out of the label when I found out he already knew about us. He signed you to that label because of me. He was using you to keep eyes on me and now I'm stuck. If I leave the organization, he's going to make you pay for it."

"I'm sorry, Ivan. I only thought about myself."

"I'm sorry too. I should've made my life clearer to you from the start. I hid everything from you because I didn't want you to see me differently," I hold his hand and smile at him.

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