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Ivan drives us to Finn's apartment and we sit in the car, not saying a word

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Ivan drives us to Finn's apartment and we sit in the car, not saying a word. My hands are trembling on my laps. Ivan looks at me and I sigh. "We are just going to scare him, right?" I ask.

"Yes, Kara. I don't want to be spilling blood when you're around. You get scared easily."

"That's true. Let's go. I'm getting sick." I open the car's door and step out. Ivan is still in the car and I see him pick up a gun. "No, no, Ivan. We are not going in there with this!"

"Then how do you want to scare him? Shout at him or show him your boobs?"

"Anything else." I look around and whisper, "put the gun down." Ivan doesn't pay heed to me and steps out of the car. He hides the gun at his back and I am freaking out. This could go wrong. Ivan walks to me and holds my hand. "Roy, don't do anything stupid."

"I can't promise you anything. He's a dick. Why are you worried about if he dies or not?"

"No, let's go back." I pull him and he smirks at me.

"You still love that son of a bitch." I gulp and he scoffs.

"I don't."

"Then prove it. Let's go in there and scare him like you want. You said he's been pissing you off." I tap my feet on the ground and I do not like how I'm feeling about this. "Kara,"

"Okay, okay. Let's go." I take the lead to Finn's apartment. His apartment is on the first floor and coming back here is making me grit my teeth. Ivan is watching me as I take slow steps. He's right that I get scared easily. Finn and I had kissed so many times in this hallway and thinking of it, my heart aches.

I walk to Finn's door and Ivan makes me step away. He takes a pin out of his pocket and opens the door with it. I cover my mouth and he chuckles. Then, he opens the door and steps in before me. I walk right in and my jaw drops. Ivan looks at me and I feel my chest tighten.

Finn is fucking Harper on the couch. The same Harper that hates my gut! I take a step back and my feet screech on the hard tile. He stops, jumps off her and Harper is trying to cover herself with the throw cushions.

"Uh... we are gonna go," I turn away. Ivan holds the jacket and pulls me back. I turn back to them and grin. Finn is putting on his boxer shorts and Harper is shamelessly looking at us. I can't really judge her. Finn is good-looking and months ago, I was the one sucking on that dick, so yeah, we're in the same boat.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Finn gets close to us and has a frown on his face. Ivan Roy is smiling at Finn and that only makes me more nervous.

"Oh hey Harper," Ivan waves at her.

I lean close to him and whisper, "you know her?"

Ivan leans close to my ear and whispers, "yeah, Tucker asked me to fuck her."

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