Tucker's Place

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The song ends and they don't stop cheering and clapping for me

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The song ends and they don't stop cheering and clapping for me. The joy on their faces is all I want to see.

"I'm sorry if I ruined the start of the show for you," I heartily say and they laugh.

"You were amazing!" I hear the compliments in the crowd.

"Thank you all for coming out. This show is just getting started and I can promise you all, you're going to have lots of fun today. You will be surprised at the number of talents we have in this school. First, let's welcome the Strip Crew. They're going to show you all how to move your bodies. So here comes...The Strip Crew!"

The strip crew comes on stage with the heat and when the clapping starts, I walk off the stage and give them the spotlight. I walk backstage and the staff crew is here, looking at me surprisingly.

"You can sing and dance?" Someone asks.

"It's a talent show," I shrug at them. Myra bumps into me with a hug.

"Thank you so much." She says.

"Are you okay now?" She nods her head. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'm good. Seeing you on that stage gave me back my energy. Thank you, Kara,"

"You're welcome. I need some water. I'm still nervous as fuck." We burst into laughter and walk away. I get Myra prepared again and she's smiling now. We wait for the Strip Crew to be done so she can go on stage. "Don't freak out. Even I, was able to do it." She laughs.

The strip crew finishes their performance and Myra goes on stage, introducing herself and that smile on her face warms my heart. The performances continue and the audience are still cheering loudly. This is what Myra wanted; for them to be entertained.

The show goes on and on until midnight and Myra walks to the stage to give the last speech for the night. She thanks them for coming and promises them there will be more to come. Harper walks up to me and I roll my eyes at her.

"It's such a shame, isn't it. Everyone is talking about how the show started and I agree with them, you really did well, but Myra is taking that spot. Doesn't it make you feel stupid for starting this for her?" Harper smirks.

"Doesn't it make you feel stupid for always trying to come between us? Do you like Myra? Because I am hundred percent sure you're obsessed with her." She blinks at me. "You love her, right?" I laugh. "Sorry, honey, she's into dicks." I push her out of my way and wait for Myra. She bows to the audience and walks out of the stage. "That was good."

She bumps into me, squealing and hugs me aggressively. "I'm going to fuck the school's president for not believing I could pull this off."


"No, he's gay." We laugh.

We help the crew clean and pack up the props we used for the show. Finally, at 2 am, we finished packing up and I am exhausted. My whole body hurts and I'd really love to get some sleep. Myra puts her head on my shoulder as we walk away and she's singing the song I sang for the opening.

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