Don't Leave

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When someone makes you aware you're all they need in life, it gets stuck in your head for a while

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When someone makes you aware you're all they need in life, it gets stuck in your head for a while. We've been through it; trying to prove we didn't need each other. It's dumb—very dumb. Now that I have him wrapped in my world, pushing behind the past arguments and having fun with him is all I look forward to.

Ivan and I step out of the room to make breakfast and we hear Myra and Claude having morning sex. I awkwardly look at Ivan and he clears his throat. I've never wanted to pop my cherry this much. Myra sounds like she's having the time of her life. I need all the experience I can get. I run after Ivan and walk beside him.

"Do you have something to do today?" I ask, swinging my arms forward like a kid.

"I have to get something done at six." I bat my eyelids at him and he glances at me. "Some work,"

"Can you take me along?"

"No, you'll ruin it for me." He answers. We walk into the kitchen and there are two girls here already; a brunette and the other with darker hair. They are washing plates and cups while chatting. They smile at us and go back to cleaning up. "What do you want to eat?" Ivan asks.

"Anything." He raises his eyes at me. "Let's do eggs."

"Sounds good. Take a seat; I'll do it."

"Let me help,"

"No," he raises his hand to stop me from coming closer. "You have bad taste in food, Kara."

"What? I did that oatmeal for you..."

"And it was so fucking salty. I didn't want to make you feel bad; that's why I didn't talk." He says.

I grin. "Maybe you ate the part that had all the salt. I microwaved it."

"I see why," the girls finish up and head out.

Ivan turns his head to them and when he sees me staring, he looks away like he never looked at them. He is such a good pretender. I walk around him while he makes the food. I tell him how bad I want to make Harper feel helpless for making me feel like trash weeks ago and he supports my decision, laughing at the bad things I want to do to her.

"You still have her picture, right?" I ask.

"Uh-huh," he's so focused on the meal. "You can play anonymously. I'm sure that will freak her out."

"Are you not going to tell me to be good?"

"Hell no! She looked me right in the face and said, "I didn't know drug dealers were this good". I should've dated one earlier. Do you know how that pissed me off? I'm not a drug dealer." I can't help but laugh at his encounter with her. "She called the next day to ask if I could get her some drugs because she's trying to turn up with her friends."

"Tucker said you get them drugs."

"Because I know people. Sean has connections. I just do them a favor and now everyone thinks I'm a drug dealer. They're so stupid. A bunch of fools." He shows his anger towards them and he still looks so sexy.

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