Bad Guy

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I walk into Ivan's room with him, taking a seat on the desk right away and he stands by the door, looking at me act unusually

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I walk into Ivan's room with him, taking a seat on the desk right away and he stands by the door, looking at me act unusually. We have to set boundaries, don't we? He ruffles his hair and takes off his clothes as he walks in. "No, don't do that in front of me." I halt him and he holds onto the half-falling jacket.

"You're really going to be this way?"

"We do not want to be late for class, do we?" I question with a smile. He takes off his jacket, furiously throws it on the bed and walks to the bathroom. That went well.

I sit there, taking in deep breaths and waiting for him to be done. Why did he smell like petrol on such an early morning? I shrug, since I know he's not going to tell me anything even if I ask him. He should stay mysterious. I don't want to get to know him anymore. I have a feeling it will mess with my mind.

Few minutes later, Ivan comes out in a towel wrapped around his waist and I look away. I hear the clothes rattle as he puts them on and I sigh. I shouldn't have seen him naked. Now, it's fucking with me and making me think of it.

"I'm done, let's go." He says and I stand up from the chair. I head out of the room and I hear him sigh behind me. He asked for this. He shouldn't have talked to me like that.

I hurry out of the hallway, our footsteps echoing. I rush out before Myra sees me with him. I walk to Ivan's car and wait for him to open it up. He gets to where I am, eyes at me and opens the car. I can tell he hates what I've been doing, but he called for it! And it's so upsetting that he's the one who kissed me first and still wants us to act like best friends. No Ivan! You do not have the right to say anything at all. You fucked up first and you're supposed to clean that up, the right way. Oh, how I wish I could yell at him one more time.

"Are you getting in?" He asks from the car. I open the door and take a seat, clearing my throat in the process. I can be annoying; I know that perfectly. He starts the drive, speeding off right away and I struggle to put on my seatbelt. After few tries, I tuck in my seatbelt and roll my eyes at him.

We sit in silence even though I am not a fan of awkwardness. He drives to school and I step out of the car in a hurry. I breathe in and out because the drive was suffocating. He comes out too and we walk side by side, still not talking.

"Oh fuck," I cuss in a whisper as I can see Finn walking towards us. I look at Ivan and he's just smiling. The look on Ivan's face throws me off a little bit. I sense trouble. Finn gets closer to us and he's gritting his teeth, frowning at both of us.

"What the fuck did you do to my car?" Finn snaps.

"We didn't do anything. What are you talking about?" I ask nervously.

"You fucking burned my car, Kara!" Finn yells at me in front of Ivan and I crawl back into my shell again, literally. Burned his car? I look at Ivan and I know in my guts he did this. He smelled like petrol this morning. "You and your fucking boyfriend are going to pay for this! I swear on that." He threatens. Ivan pulls me away from Finn and stands before me, sighing.

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