Your Secrets

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I ask for few more drinks and Ivan sets me up

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I ask for few more drinks and Ivan sets me up. He is not bothered about me getting drunk since my room is right opposite his. The order comes in and I thank Heavens. The alcohol was making my hunger worse. We start eating and Ivan is staring at me constantly, making me nervous.

"Do you always look at everyone like this?" He shrugs at my question and chews on the spicy buffalo wings. "It's creepy. If you keep looking at me like that, you'll have me thinking you like me."

"You'll fall out of love with me in a second, so you don't have to worry about that." I wonder what he means by this. He fills my cup and I gulp it down at a go. "Okay, chill, I'm not carrying you when you pass out."

I take the bottle from him and fill my cup again. I pick it up, gulp it down and he bites his lips, watching me go bunkers. Damn! This thing is hella strong. My head spins even though I'm seated. I hiccup loudly and he snorts. "Can I trust you with my secrets?" I softly ask.

"Yeah, you said we're friends." He sips on his drink and I hiccup again.

Can I trust someone like him with my secrets? "Some other time. I don't want to ruin the mood and no offense, but I barely know you."

"I don't expect you to." There he goes, being mean again.

I try to change the eerie feel. "Do you have any movies? Unfortunately, Myra isn't coming back today."

"Netflix?" He suggests and I nod slowly. "Please wash your hands before you sit on my bed."

"Yes, sir." I stand up and walk to his bathroom. The structures in this hostel are the same, so it looks more like my room with Myra. I wash my hands and face and head back to the bedroom. I see Ivan with a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. Why am I not surprised?

He lits the cigarette with the lighter and starts to smoke. I do not want him to see that I'm judging him with my eyes again, so I look away. "Uh, we heard you playing music the last time. Can you put it on?" Ivan picks his phone from the table and a few seconds later, the music starts blasting in the room.

He does not even care that I'm here. He is in his own world, blowing smoke out of his mouth. The fire at the tip gets more prominent as he blows and smokes. I exhale and the scent gets caught up in my nose. This one has a unique smell. I walk to the desk and pick it up. It reads, mint-flavored. I am intrigued by it. I pick one up and he holds my hand.

"What are you doing?" He furrows his eyebrows.

"What does it look like I'm doing?" I slap his hand off and take the lighter. Ivan stands up and takes both from me. He puts them down along with his and blows out the smoke.

"Are you trying to prove to me you're some kind of bad girl?"

"No, I'm just..."

"Bad like me? I know you think I'm a gangster because I look like one."

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