Sweet Revenge

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Here on Ivan's bed, his legs are brushing on my bare thighs

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Here on Ivan's bed, his legs are brushing on my bare thighs. My head is on the edge of the bed and his head is on the headboard. He is pretending to be on his phone but I know he's looking at me. He's trying to distract me so we talk, but I do not want to talk to him. I'm angry he was so close to Myra and pretended we weren't friends in front of her.

"Little baby," I huff and close the page and he chortles. "I knew that would stop you." I turn my head to him and he puts down his phone. "Why are you not talking to me?"

"I'm learning,"

"Liar. You've been staring at the same page since you walked in. What's going on with you?"

"Nothing, I just don't feel like talking."

"Should we watch movies instead. You seem distracted." I agree with him. He gets off the bed and brings his laptop to the bed. "You want alcohol today?"

"No thanks!" I halt him and he smirks. I do not want to keep kissing him and sucking his dick. Ivan stands by the bed and he looks down at me. Why is he so tall?

"You're mad at me," he states. Having this conversation would make me feel stupid because we did not discuss it before we kissed and did all those things. "Is it because I hung out with Myra?" He hits on the nail on the head and I bite my lips. "Kara?"

"Let's just watch the movie," I utter silently.

"Let me make this clear," he bosses up in front of me. "We do not have a relationship. We got in the moment and that's that. Do not overthink this. Do not make me uncomfortable."

"I am making you uncomfortable?" I sit up on the bed and look at him. "I am making you uncomfortable?" I repeat.

"Kara, please!" He raises his voice at me and I blink my eyes at him. "Can we not do this now?" He asks calmly.

"Maybe I should just go," I try getting off the bed and he holds my hand.

He ruffles his hair with a sigh. "Can we just watch the movie and go to bed?" He says slowly. "You know we don't have to talk about this."

But I want to! I need to know why you kissed me and pleasured me, Ivan! Is that too hard to talk about? You are so frustrating. I take off his hand and lie back on the bed. I search for kids-related movies because if any sex scene comes up, it'll make things worse.

Ivan sleeps next to me and I must be weird or something, but I can feel him staring at me. You see, these are the things he does that gets me confused. Do you want me or not? Can't he just make himself clear? Why does he want to keep spending nights with me?

Halfway into the movie, he holds my hand on the bed and I sigh. Is he trying to make me mad? He pulls me closer to him and tucks my hair behind my ear. "Can I kiss you?" I blink at him.

"No," I reply and he lets go of my hand. I pull away from him and continue to watch the movie. I do not want to be intimidated by his stare. The movie is kind of boring, so I select a different one. I pick up my phone to text Myra to check up on her and she replies with;

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