Trust Issues

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In the recording studio, Lily assigns me to do a vocal test

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In the recording studio, Lily assigns me to do a vocal test. "Retake it from the top," she says and turns off the speaker. The beat starts and I start to sing. I have headphones on, standing close to the microphone and singing my heart out. 

The song ends and I heave a sigh at the excitement on their faces. I take the headphone off and place them on the microphone stand before stepping out. Lily hands me a bottle of water and smiles at me.

"How do you feel?" She asks.

"So much better." I smile. I hear my phone beep from my handbag and I reach for it. It's a text from Myra asking me to cover for her. This morning, we woke up and she suddenly decided to go home. I have no idea who she is going to see, but she promised to be back by the evening.

"Is Myra coming?" Lily asks.

"No, she has a test." I lie, and she nods.

"Come with her tomorrow after whatever you guys do. We don't have enough time before the launch date."

"I'll come with her," I assure her with a smile.
I pick up an Uber to the school's library to work on my assignments from school. This is the only quiet place I can concentrate. My bed will fail me. I get to the school's library and look for books of my preference on the book stalls. We are getting close to the examination week, which explains why many students are around. I don't usually visit the library. I tend to fall asleep every time.

But today, I am determined to finish half of my assignments so I can focus on my music. Unfortunately, I have to juggle between school and work now.

You know what, let's not think about Ivan. Get your head in the game.

I spend hours, appreciating the silence and my study space. The librarian informs us she'll be closing soon. I look around and there's just one more person. Where did everyone go? I get up and take the books back to the stall. I pick up my phone and bag and walk out of the library. It's night time. I cannot believe I was able to spend hours in there without thinking of Ivan.

I receive a call from Myra and I answer. "Where you at?" She asks.

"I was at the library. I'll get back soon. Are you back?"

"Yes. I brought food. Hurry up before it gets cold."

"Got it."

I pick a cab to the hostel, feeling tired and sleepy. The cab arrives at the hostel and I step out. My phone rings again and I pick it up. Ivan is calling. I answer the call and sigh while heading inside. "Hey," I slowly say.

"I need a favour."

"You called to ask for a favour?" I scoff.

"Yes, Patty wants to hang out with you. Can you do that for me?" I stop walking and take in a deep breath. "Kara,"

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