Mr. Roy

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This week has been one of the best weeks with Ivan

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This week has been one of the best weeks with Ivan. Staying in this house which feels like home with him, has been one of the best things I've had to do in my life. He's mostly cooking for me, helping me with assignments from school and not skipping our dates nights. This relationship is worth the pain we both had to go through. I cherish every moment with him and hope we keep loving each other for as long as possible.

Myra and I have been working on recording the song Lily and her crew worked on. There's been an improvement on both sides and a release date has been set for our debut. It's all happening so fast. I did not expect to get to this point.

It feels surreal.

I hear my phone ring in the training room and I rush to get it. It must be Ivan. He promised to pick me up. I pick up the phone from my bag and I answer. "Hey, babe."

"I miss you. Are you done?"

"Yeah, I am," I answer. He doesn't sound okay.

"I'm outside. I brought you some snacks. You can eat that, right?" We have been keeping an eye on my diet as Lily instructed.

"Just for today. I'll meet you outside." I end the call and turn to Myra. "Ivan is here. Let's go."

"I'm meeting someone." She heaves. "I'm not telling you. You're going to talk me out of it."


"How do you know?" I pick up my bag. "We're just having sex. No hard feelings."

"If you say so. I'll see you tomorrow," I wave at Myra and walk out of the room. I meet Ivan outside, get into his car and he's not smiling as he would've done. "Hey babe," I peck on his cheeks.

"Hey," he hands me a box of snacks and that puts a smile on my face. Who doesn't smile when they see food? I open the box and all my favourite snacks are in here with a note attached to it.

•I missed you•

"Aww," I giggle.

"How was your day?" He inquires. While munching on the snacks, I tell him about the progress so far, gossiping about the staff and he's not talking much. He's just giving me remarks. Finally, we get home and he walks in first.

I follow, asking if he's okay. "Ivan, did I do something wrong?" He doesn't respond and continues walking. "Ivan, I just want to..."

He turns to me in a snafu, with a frown on his face. "Kara, just stop talking. I'm trying to think." He harshly says to me.

"You didn't have to shout. I was only concerned about you."

"I'm fine." He heaves a sigh and slams his face. "Can you change into your gym clothes? I want us to continue the defense training."

"Can we do it some other time? I'm tired from all that..."

"It can't wait."


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