Factory Setting

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My hands are trembling on the steering wheel, my heart aching badly as I drive away

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My hands are trembling on the steering wheel, my heart aching badly as I drive away. I've been driving for minutes, not knowing where the fuck I'm going to. I just keep going, hitting the wheel and screaming at myself in the car. How did I fall for someone who would end up not wanting to have anything to do with me?

Why is she the one who wanted me to put her first and when I did, she chose everything else over me, including those innocent babies. I want to yell at someone, punch someone and burst into tears.

Gangsters don't cry, do they? You push back the tears and suck it up.

I think of what those babies would've looked like; they would have had her pretty eyes or mine. I wish they could have hers because they are so beautiful to look at.

I bet we would've been some badass parents to a bunch of kids running around on an island with us. Then, if she needed some time off, I would've been there to help her out. We could've also started the creative business together, empowering people all over the world.

I was willing to run away with her if possible. She would've said no and I wouldn't mind kidnapping her with me. My world revolves around her. One tiny girl has done more damage to me than anyone ever has.

It fucking sucks!

It sucks to still think of her. Being able to take in her smell when she's all over me. Her cute giggle, crazy laugh and goofy self have been brightening up my mood. She has no idea what she does to me. Kara has no single idea the kind of things she makes me go through. Being with her unleashes feelings I never thought I possessed.

She was my beginning to a better life. The only human who could make me soft with just a smile. I've loved like never before. I should've stuck to fucking around, having no strings attached, with random girls All that got boring when I met her.

Kara made me feel the climax even without sex. She was an experience. The only girl I built a connection with. I always tried to delay having sex with her away so I could weigh my feelings for her. Mostly, my dick thinks for me. She was always fun to be around. Her conversations made me laugh. Her attempts to teach me the Ghanaian language were always cute to hear.

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