Ugly Truths

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I get crazy at his cold stares

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I get crazy at his cold stares. I smile at how he ruffles his hair, bites his lips and smirks softly. I crave for the lips he rubs a finger on every time he looks at me. That scoff he does with a smile; I want him to continue doing that when he's with me. I want his inked bare body close to me like never before. Is it a crazy wish?

I pour myself another cup of alcohol and I stop staring at him. He is leaned into the chair, staring back at me, making me uncomfortable. He's very good at making me feel uneasy.

A knock comes on the door and he gets up. I lean my head on the chair and hear him talk to the delivery guy. He comes back to the table with the food, puts them down and looks at me. "Are you feeling okay?" I nod to his question and sit up in the chair. He opens the food for me and sits beside me. "You look drunk as fuck!" He hollers.

"I want to be. I miss how I used to be." I sit up and take a big bite of the beef burger. I wash it down with the vanilla smoothie. I have weird taste sometimes. Ivan munches on the fries as he stares at me. "Why are you looking at me?"

"I don't know," he shrugs and chugs his alcohol down.

"Am I charming you?" I chuckle.

"Mm, no." I pick up a fry and throw it at him. "You really hate the truth, Kara." I eye at him and heartily eat my food. We eat in silence and I reach the point where my tummy can't take a bite anymore.

"I need to take a bath before I get lazy," I mumble.

"You seriously didn't think I'd let you lie down on my bed without you taking a bath, did you?"

"Get the fuck off," I cuss at him and he gasps dramatically.

"Kara Martin cusses again!"

"You really think I'm a baby, don't you?"

He laughs. "You look like one." I don't argue and get up from the chair. I walk to his closet and open it. "Do not touch my things." I boldly hold onto the white jacket I see. "Kara!"

"You want me to sleep in this?"

"Being naked is fine with me," I pick up a pillow and throw it at him, he chuckles. I come across an orange and white oversized T-shirt and I pick it up. His closet is full of hoodies, jackets and T-shirts.

"Can I have this?" I blink my eyes at him.

"You want it?"

"Uh-huh." I nod my head severally and bite my lip. "Please,"

"Okay, now you owe me." I roll my eyes and put the T-shirt on the bed. "Go and take a bath; I'll clean up."

"Thank you!" I pick the T-shirt again and walk to his bathroom. I hurriedly take off my clothes, hoping he doesn't walk in on me. I tie my hair in my bun because I do not want to wash it in his bathroom. For a reason, I know he'll cuss at me if I leave strands of hair in his bathroom.

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