One More Night

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The party goes on and here I am, taking multiple shots of champagne

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The party goes on and here I am, taking multiple shots of champagne. My head feels light. I spot Ivan coming down the stairs, walking majestically towards me. He holds my hand right away and steps closer to me. "Let's get out of here," he whispers as he looks around.

"Let's do that," he puts his hand around my waist and my body tingles again. Ivan and I walk out of the mansion. Do I tell him I met someone who knows my name? "What party is this?" I curiously ask. We head towards his car and he's not responding. Ivan opens the car's door for me to get inside and I tuck in my seatbelt. He gets into the car and looks at me.

We take off the masquerade mask and he drives away. "This was a meeting party," he finally answers.

"A meeting party?"

"A party rich people do on irregular days. Place and time are only sent to people who are invited." He's getting me confused the more he speaks. "They make connections at the party, so it's like a meeting place for them."

"It was so boring." I sigh.

"For you, yeah, but for them, this is heaven," Ivan explains.

"So... who did you meet?" I question.

"Sorry I can't tell you that."

"It's fine," I look out the window and sigh again. I had too much to drink. My stomach is heavy and I feel full. I remind myself of the mystery guy I met at the party. How does he know my name and where have I seen him before? He had brown hair, slicked back and although I didn't see his face, I could tell he was a pretty boy.

Ivan drives the car to the place we came to the last time. The neighbourhood is a silent and the night lights are exceptionally bright. Ivan drives the car to the garage and we step out of the car together. The motorcycle is still here, but the white car is no longer here. So there's someone else living here. Ivan looks around and cuss. He takes his phone from his pocket, walks to the door and taps on the keypad with the codes. The door opens and he opens it widely for me to get in.

I hear him dialling a number. I step into the house and he walks in after me. "Where are you?" He asks on the phone. I take off my heels and turn to him. "Are you not going to fucking leave? You have things to take care of. Don't let him put this on me. I told you he's not been in a good mood. Do not worsen it, Sean." Ivan angrily takes off the tuxedo and throws it on the couch. "No, you know what, I'm done being your fucking puppet. Fix this yourself!" Ivan yells into the phone and hangs up on him.

His brother makes him angry all the time. What kind of brotherly relationship do they have? Why is he always stressing him? He unbuttons the black shirt and takes it off.

Whoa! Relax boy.

Don't give me a heart attack. He throws the shirt on the couch and ruffles his hair.

"I need water," he says and walks to the kitchen. "You hungry?" He asks.

"I'm not," I answer. I sit down on the couch and sigh heavily. Ivan comes back to the hall after taking his water and I am tempted to tell him to put a shirt on. Instead, he's walking around in just his trousers, his inked body reflecting. "Can you..."

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