A Man Whore

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I rush back to the hostel after seeing Finn

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I rush back to the hostel after seeing Finn. I know Ivan will have so many questions for me when he gets back, and I do not know how I am going to answer him. I hope he doesn't talk about it when he gets back. I embrace myself on my bed and cry softly. I am so angry at what I have done. He will now believe he broke me. He won on this round.

I fall into slumber after crying my eyes out.

Later in the day, I wake up to the sound of loud music, thinking Myra is back, but the music isn't coming from this room. I sit up on the bed and check on my phone. The time says 5:46 pm. Who is making noise this much? I angrily stand up from the bed and walk out of the room to check who is disturbing my sleep. The music seems to be coming from Ivan's room. Is he having a party in there?! The music is way too loud! I knock on the door, open it up and my mouth falls open at the scene before me.

What is that at his back and who the heck is he screwing?!!

Ivan is naked, giving this girl hardcore back shots and I see the number of tattoos on the body he tries to hide. His back is an art gallery; every side of it is inked and it looks like opened wings. The one that leads to his neck is five big dots, right at his spinal cord area. Unfortunately, I am not close enough, so I can't see it well. His arms are also tatted and I gulp immensely. The girl is the first to see me and she screeches. I hurriedly close the door and run to my room.

My chest cramps at what I just saw. Does Ivan really have a girlfriend? And what the heck were all those tattoos? It is crazy. I have never seen anyone covered in so many tattoos like that before. It is somewhat scary and beautiful at the same time. My mind flashes at how he was pouncing on her and my heart burns again. I sit on the floor and run my fingers in my hair, screaming.

"Fuck, fuck!" I cuss. Why did I have to see that?! I sit on the floor for a while and my heart skips a beat when the door opens. I heave a sigh of relief seeing Myra walk in. "Lock the door," I say to her and she locks it.

"Why are you on the floor?" She throws her bag on the bed and kneels before me. "Are you okay?" I hold her hand and hug her. Myra pats my back and I sniff in tears. "Why did you cry?"

"Can you see it?"

"Your eyes are puffy." She looks at me and I wipe off a tear. "What's wrong?" I shake my head. "You're still not ready to talk?"

"I... I can't, Myra."

"At least give me a name. I know someone hurt you last year. Let me kick some butts for you." I laugh at her effort and I hug her again. "I don't know what happened to you, but if some jerk broke your heart or something, find someone else to get over him. I'm so over Wes right now after last night." She has me curious. It is her way of getting me to stop being sad. She sits next to me and tells me what happened between her and Claude. Her encounter with him makes me laugh. She exaggerates about their sex life and I laugh at her cock and bull stories.

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