The Pretense

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The game starts and I have my mouth open the whole time

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The game starts and I have my mouth open the whole time. Most of the people on the spectator stand are as surprised as I am. Ivan joined the game minutes ago and he has been fierce on his opponents, Tucker's teammates. Did I get the memo of the game wrong? Is this not a friendly game they all planned on playing because it's the weekend?

Myra walks to where I sit and she pushes the girl seated next to me off. She takes a seat and looks at me. "What did you say to Ivan?"

"What?" I nervously ask.

"I saw you talking to him."

"Then you should know he's the one who came after me and wanted to talk." I correct her and she looks at the guys on the field. "Did he say something to you?"

"Forget about it." She stands up and walks away. Is she going crazy? The game is a brutal one. Ivan keeps pushing Tucker and it's pissing me off.

Ivan's team win the game and I am not surprised. He cheated throughout, acting all feisty. He is such a sour player.

I walk to Tucker after the game and he hugs me. I hold onto him and how he kisses my cheeks makes me chuckle. "Let's go somewhere?" He pulls off and looks at me.

"Are you guys not going to party?"

"Yeah, but I thought you might want us to hang out somewhere else. Don't they bore you out?" I shake my head and he sighs. "Okay, just for today. We'll start hanging out alone, okay?"

"Okay," he holds my hand and we head to the parking lot.

"Tucker," Ivan calls for him and we both turn to him. "Eden wants to ask if you're still in for it." Tucker glances at me before he looks at Ivan. "Should I tell her you've got someone else?"

"Dude, what the fuck?" Tucker asks and steps closer to Ivan.

Ivan smirks at him, "I'm just delivering a message. I'll let her know you've got your hands full for the weekend." He scoffs at us and walks away.

Tucker turns back to me and I sigh. "Just... go and do whatever you're all good at," I utter to him and walk away. I hear him cuss as I walk away. I'm tired of guys.

 I'm tired of guys

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