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"You have a call," Sean says, arms on his chest and staring at me

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"You have a call," Sean says, arms on his chest and staring at me. Ivan puts on his shorts and walks up to him. "The phone is in the living room. It's urgent."

"You could've brought it along." Ivan furiously says to him and Sean smirks. Ivan pushes him out of the door and walks out of the room.

Sean heaves a sigh and continues staring at me. "Why do you keep getting on my nerves, Kara?"

"Get the fuck out," I enrage and he frowns at me.

"I'm being nice to you." I scoff. Nice to me? "You know I can let my dad end this shit you've started with him." I get off the bed and put on my clothes. Talking to this annoying person is only going to make me mad. I head out of the room and he grabs my hand. "I don't care if you're with him or not. We can keep doing this."

"We?" I laugh. "Sean, we fucking had sex; get over it." I pull my hand out of his grip and walk out of the room. I hear him cuss behind me and I hurry my steps to the hall. Ivan makes a phone call by the door, running his fingers in his hair and looking bothered.

Sean walks down, stands behind me and brushes his fingers on my arm. "Stop," I mumble and he squeezes my ass. I turn around to hit him and he pulls me in with a kiss on my lips. He tongue kisses me, running his fingers in my hair and I push him off. "What the fuck is wrong with you?"

"It was just sex to you, so let's do it again. I promise you won't even think of him after we're done,"

"You motherfucker," I cuss at him under my breath and he smiles.

"Yes, sir," Ivan says out loud and I walk away from Sean. He hits Sean's phone on the wall and glares at him. "What the fuck did you say to him?" Ivan asks calmly. "Sean!" He roars at him and Sean on the other hand, is smiling at his brother's outburst.

"Which part did he say to you? I said many things... like you fucking his star," Sean bursts into laughter and Ivan storms towards him.

I quickly stand in front of Ivan, hold his hand,  "let it go," he still has a deadly glare on Sean. "Ivan,"

"I'm going to fucking kill you if you keep messing with me. I swear on that." Ivan threatens.

"Not if I do it first and trust me, nobody will miss you when you're gone."

"I fucking hate you." Ivan bickers at him.

"The feeling is mutual." Ivan lets go of my hand and walks away to the room. I look at Sean and shake my head. "What now?"

"I regret every fucking thing I made you do to me. You're fucking evil, Sean. There's nothing good about you. I almost thought I liked you and I hate ever having those thoughts." I calmly say, making sure he understands my anger beneath. "Do us a favor and leave. You fucking piece of shit." I lividly say and realize he's not frowning nor smiling as he would've done. Instead, he's gritting his teeth and looking at me like I hurt him, but I don't fucking care. He hurt my boyfriend first. "When you leave, don't even think of coming back. I'm so stupid for thinking you were the one I was in love with."

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