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This evening class is so boring that I keep yawning every second

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This evening class is so boring that I keep yawning every second. Previously, Myra vowed I had been sleeping the whole time, even when I swore Ivan was in the room. She told me to see a therapist because my obsession with Ivan was getting out of hand. When did I start obsessing over Ivan? When did I talk about him? I just asked her if she saw him in the room and she accused me of saying Ivan must've tried to harm us in our sleep. That wasn't what I meant. It was a simple question and she made us argue about it before I got to class.

Now I'm here, wondering if I went too far with this Ivan mess. She misjudged me. I sleep halfway through the class and a tap on my hand wakes me up. I jump up in my seat and wipe my mouth. I must've drooled.

Damien from marketing class is standing in front of me, smiling down at me. "Kara Martin," he chuckles. "You can wake up now. The class was over an hour ago." He smiles again and I look around.

The class was almost empty. Damien is a melanin pretty boy and we did not get off well in the first year. We argued over a group project work and I remember cussing at him for telling me I was too skinny even though he said it was meant to be a compliment. Nobody has the right to talk about other people's bodies.

I stand up from my seat and pick up my bag. "Thank you for waking me up." I blurt.

"You're welcome. Are you still not going to join the black community?"

"I will think about it." I make my way out of the classroom.

"Or you just don't want to join because your dad is white?"

"What makes you say that?" I force a smile out. Damien shrugs.

"You've had the opportunity to join since last year, but you never did. I'm starting to think you just don't want to." There he goes getting on my nerves again.

"Can we have this talk some other time?" I head for the door and he scoffs at me.

"Heard you're into troubled white kids too. I should've known why you rejected my proposal." Nope, I'm not doing this with him again. I am not going to throw myself under the bus for him to run me over and over again. I take another step and he says on top of his voice, "y'all should get some matching tattoos together when you can! He's going to break your fucking little heart!"

"What the fuck is wrong with you, Damien?" I yell back at him and the few students in the class look back and forth at us. "Do you have a problem with me? What did I ever do to you?"

"Because you're a bitch. We all know that."

"Ouu!" They holler and burst into laughter.

"Y'all know she's fucking around with that transfer student, right?"

"Really? Isn't he a drug dealer? I heard the guys talking about him. He's in a gang or some shit." One girl says out loud and I walk out of the class. What did I ever do to people? Why does everyone hate me?

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