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Feeling guilty, I rush to Ivan to take my phone as he holds it, looking furiously at me

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Feeling guilty, I rush to Ivan to take my phone as he holds it, looking furiously at me. The way he's glaring makes me want to shit on myself. Did he find out Sean and I had sex again? "Ivan,"

"Tell me why the fuck you and Sean keep texting and seeing each other."

"We do not see each other..."

"Explain what the fuck he means by this then! You know what the fuck he did and you keep talking to him. You fucking flirted with him in front of me! Why do you keep hurting me?"

I bite my lips and keep my sad face on. "There's nothing going on." I softly say and he throws the phone on the bed. "Ivan,"

"I'm done with this shit. I'm already helpless because of you. I'm not going to let you add another weight of insecurities to my life. If you want Sean so bad, go for him and leave me the fuck alone!" He yells and head towards the bathroom. He stops at the door and turns to me. "I'm already dealing with shit right now, so why don't you do me a fucking favor and go to him."

"Why don't you believe me..."

"Because there's nothing for me to hold on to anymore, Kara! You're not the same girl I fell in love with." He shakes his head at me and that threatens my tears to fall out. "I convince myself you're still the person I knew months ago but fuck it, you keep proving me wrong. You fucking cried and stopped talking to me when you found out what Sean did to you, so why do you keep going back to him? Because he's better than me? Or because he probably fucked you good. Is that it?"

I turn away from him and wipe off tears. "Kara,"

"I don't want to talk about this." I pick up my phone from the bed, heading out of the room.

"Do you want him?"

I look back at him. "Why the fuck would you think that and why would you go through my phone in the first place, Ivan? Do I go through yours?"

"I didn't. I just saw my brother's text to you. Do not try to pin this on me." He angrily says and I walk out of the room. If we continue talking about this, we'd both get mad and I don't want that. What if I mistakenly tell him what Sean and I did? We just got back together and I don't want to fight anymore.

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