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I destroyed my relationship with Tucker and now Ivan and I are done

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I destroyed my relationship with Tucker and now Ivan and I are done. He is in there; I know because he's been playing music all day. Is this a sign from him to let me know he's still here? He hardly plays any music. Myra has been jamming along, although her relationship with Claude ended. 

"What if he's fucking someone in there and doesn't want you to hear?" Myra laughs at her question.

I don't want to be affected by this. Even if he's having sex with someone else, I cannot get mad. Sean and I got in the moment, but with Ivan, oh, it's so confusing. I've always liked him. I get scared sometimes, that I might not stop having feelings for him. Ivan isn't going to fight for me. He's too good looking for that and girls like me do not have any effect on him.

Myra receives a call on her phone and she grins at me. "Yeah, sure. You can come in." She ends the call and sighs heavily. I watch her turn herself on the bed and kick the air. "Wes and Tucker are here."

"And you told them to come in?" She sits up and grins. "Myra, do not let Wes in here."

"Too late for that. He wants to talk..."

"About what?! You still love him, don't you?" I ask her and she doesn't say a word.

A knock comes on the door and I cuss. She stands up from the bed, puts on cologne and applies lip-gloss. She still loves him but won't admit it.

Myra heaves a sigh and opens the door. I sit up on the bed, watching her and Wes stare at each other at the door. Myra paves the way for him and he walks in. Fuck, he's looking hotter. Tucker walks in too, stands at the door and I quickly look away.

"Hey," Wes says to her and she nods her head. I can tell she's nervous. He didn't have to look this good. He has the same black hair as Tucker's, taller than him and looks younger than his age.

I roll my eyes at them and lie down on the bed. "Hey," Myra says back to him after seconds and her voice has gone very low. She's so nervous. Should I do something?

"Hi Wes," I sit up on the bed and he smiles at me.

"Hey, Kara," he says. Myra turns to me and mouths words I cannot comprehend. Although I slightly hate Weston for breaking my best friend's heart, I still want to give them some privacy to talk about whatever it is they want to talk about.

I stand up from the bed and clear my throat. "I have to check something outside." I head out of the room and stop at the door. "You want to join me?" I ask Tucker.

"Sure," Tucker says and this is the first time he's talked to me without smiling.

We walk out of the room and the only place I have in mind is the cafeteria. We walk in silence to the cafeteria and take a seat. Tucker takes out his phone and we sit there, none talking. This is awkward.

"You don't want to talk to me?" I ask and he looks at me.

"Do we have something to talk about?"

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