His Life

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A sigh on a sunny morning brings back all the pleasures from the night before

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A sigh on a sunny morning brings back all the pleasures from the night before. The night has ended and here I am, wishing it never did. Ivan is washing down in the bathroom and I'm holding the pillow he slept on close to me. His smell is stained on every side of this room. I close my eyes, sniffing in his scent. It's so addictive.

This same smell was on me last night. There were so many perfect times for us to have sex last night, but he did not permit me. "I get a lot of sex," he said.

"What are you doing?" He questions and I let go of the pillow. I sit up on the bed and watch him pat his hair dry with the towel in his hand. He's wearing shorts again, and I shake my head to him. "Can you stop making it obvious you're getting addicted to me?"

"No, I'm not."

"You said so in your sleep when you did not want to stop sniffing on me." I did?! "Get up. I'm on the watch today."


"On the lookout." I still don't get it, Ivan.

I get off the bed and walk to the bathroom to freshen up. I take off the jacket, brush my teeth and wash down. I join him in the bedroom and he's already dressed up in a jacket and black jeans. "Get something to wear from my clothes. We'll pick up your clothes from the shop."

"Okay," I walk to the closet and I curiously tap on the drawers where the guns are. It opens and I see he has taken them out already. When did he do this? We went to bed together and woke up together. I hear his footsteps coming closer and I tap on the drawers. It pushes back in and I step away from it.

"You're so terrible at this," Ivan says from the room and I look at the doorway.

He's not even here. Does he have eyes here? I pick up black joggers from the lower collection and I put them on. It fits perfectly, bringing out the shape of my butt. I see a jean jacket and I pick that up. I wear a white t-shirt and put on the jacket.

I walk out of the room and he's busily texting on his phone. "You look good," he compliments without looking at me.

"You're so weird," I mumble.

"Do you want to be indoor or outdoor today? If we're skipping that motherfucker's class, we have to make good use of it."

"We can go on a date," I suggest to him.

"Uh no." He rejects my proposal and waits for me to come up with a better option.

"Friendship date." I grin. Ivan walks up to me, puts his phone in his pocket and looks at me.

"I must've flirted with you before, but for real, I don't want you."

I clench my hands. "You... you don't have to say it like that."

"That's what it is. I hate lying and pretending not to see what you want from me. We've gone over this before, Kara. Don't make it weird." I walk out of him and I hear him mumble a cuss.

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