A Mom

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Myra and I get to school in the morning because I do not want to see Ivan

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Myra and I get to school in the morning because I do not want to see Ivan. It is awkward for me to look at him now. Having the same courses as him makes me angry. There is no way I can avoid him. I get to class and take the front seat. Ivan walks in minutes later and I pretend not to see him. He sits next to me and I cuss under my breath. I am avoiding you, Ivan. Can't you see that?

"You woke up early?" He questions and I nod my head. I hold the pen in my hand, drawing circles and lines in my book. I think of the tattoo on his back and draw the circle. It had a line in the circle and a small dot symbols. I draw it on the page and he looks up at me. "What are you doing?" He asks in a whisper. He takes the book away from me and tears off the page.

"What is wrong with you? I had my notes in there." I angrily say to him. He tears the pages into pieces. He puts them on my book and watching this infuriates me. "You didn't have to do that."

"Don't ever put that anywhere." He warns.

"I can do what I want, Ivan."

"Yeah, sure, do whatever you want but do not put my personal stuff in your books or anywhere else. It's that simple." He warns again and I frown at him. "Getting to know you was such a fucking mistake." My heart cramps at his bitter words. He picks up his bag and walks away from me. He walks to the backseat and sits among others. It hurts to hear that from him.

I look back at Ivan and he's talking to these people, ignoring me. It's actually a good thing he's making friends. The lecturer walks in and starts teaching. I put down notes as always. At the end of the class, I walk out alone, texting Myra to check on her.

"Hey, Kara," I hear my name and turn around. I see Tucker coming towards me and I snort. He got handsome. "It's good to see you here." He smiles and his grey eyes widen. "You're looking good."

"Thanks. You are looking good too." I compliment.

"Yeah, so... we can grab coffee sometime?" he asks and waits for my reaction. I politely rejected his proposal last year because I was head over heels in love with my professor. "If that is okay with you." He adds to it. Ivan comes out of the class, ruffling his hair and looking at us.

"Tucker, I... I'll think about it." I smile.

"Okay... the parties haven't been the same without you." I giggle. "You'll be coming around this weekend, right?"

"Yeah, I'll bring Myra."

"Yes!" He cheers. "Has she been okay, though?"

"Mm," I grin. Tucker was Wesley's younger brother, Wes moved away after graduation. Tucker is in his third year and he made my first year with Myra so fun. I miss how we all used to hang out with Wes and the seniors to have fun every weekend. But I should have given Tucker a chance. Everyone said we looked good together and they did not understand why I wasn't ready to give in to him. I just didn't like him like that.

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