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"Is that the last?" Kara asks from the closet, arranging the clothes on the shelves

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"Is that the last?" Kara asks from the closet, arranging the clothes on the shelves. She stands back, holds her waist and heaves a sigh of relief. "It's not bad." Just as she says this, the clothes on her right fall and she groans. "Fuck it, I'm done." She gives up and walks to the bedroom.

"I told you it wasn't going to work."

"I was giving it a try. Why do you have so many clothes? How am I going to get my things in there?" She sits down on the bed and ties her hair in a bun. Strands of her hair fall on her thin face and she tucks it behind her ear. "Why do you keep looking at me?"

I shrug at her. "We can put some of your clothes in the other room," I suggest.

"No way. I'd have to go all the way there when I'm done bathing?"

"You want me to answer that?" She looks at me.

"Don't bother." She lies down on the bed with a heavy sigh. "What time is it?" I take out my phone and look at the time.

"Four," I respond.

"Fuck!" She sits up on the bed and frowns at me. "I told you to alert me when it's three."

"You should've set the alarm."

"Ugh!" She gets up from the bed and rushes to the bathroom.

"Are you meeting someone?"

"Yes, my mom." She responds from the bathroom. "You want to go with me?" How do I respond to this?

"Would that be okay?" I ask and she stays silent for seconds.

"I'm sure she'd love to meet you." The water runs in the bathroom and I mumble a cuss. Am I ready to meet her mom? I know the first thing she's going to think when she sees me. She'll be mad at her daughter for being with a guy like me.

I hate my dad and Sean daily for getting these tattoos I never wanted on my body. I still remember the pain after I woke up. Those motherfuckers!

"Ivan," Kara calls. "Will you be okay?"

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