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Ivan has been in deep thoughts after his call with Sean

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Ivan has been in deep thoughts after his call with Sean. He stands by the counter, watching me rinse the plates we ate in. I stand in front of him after washing and wrap my arms around him. "Are you okay?" I whisper. He's staring down at me and I am looking up at him. The height difference is quite cute.

"I have to meet this crazy person tomorrow." He says. "Sean's crazy ex. She might be around for a while."

"Is it really necessary to meet her?"

"Her dad is one of those wealthy people my dad deals with. Sean messed with her some time ago, so I have to fix that." I want to be understanding, but fuck, this is bad. "Will you be okay with that?" Do I have a choice? Can I really say no?

"It's fine." I lie.

"The last time you said it was fine, we both know what happened." I grin at him and he kisses on my forehead. "Truthfully, tell me what you think."

I heave a sigh and say, "I am not okay with this."

Ivan nods slowly. "Do you want him to come back?" I hesitate at this question and I feel him pull away from me. "Fine," he pulls away and holds the kitchen stool. "There are other reasons why you didn't want this anymore, right?" He turns to face me. "You like him?"


"Kara, this isn't how you act around me. You've been... different."

"Ivan, can we not talk about this?" He clenches his jaws. I do understand how he's feeling. "You know this isn't something we should talk about."

"I wouldn't talk about it if you didn't start acting differently. I've been doing my best not to think of what happened between you two," he is starting it. I walk out on him to avoid the conversation and he holds my hand. He pulls me back to him and hugs me from behind. Ivan puts his chin on my shoulder and sighs heavily. "I'm sorry. It fucks me up." He softly says in a whisper. He tightens his arms around me. "I'm sorry,"

"I don't want us to be talking about Sean."

"I won't bring him up again. I promise." He turns me to face him and he kisses my lips. I hug him after the kiss and put my head on him.

"When is Patty coming?" I ask him.

"I have to pick her up at the airport tomorrow." I look at him and he rubs a finger on my lips.

"You're not going to do anything sexual with her, are you?" He stays mute. "Can you try not to do anything with her?"

"I don't even want to be talking to her. She is the most annoying person I have ever met aside you," he chuckles and I playfully hit his arm. "Okay, I have an idea. You and Myra can keep her company when she comes in."

"I don't want to mess it up for you."

"You won't. She's quite dumb, so she won't notice you're playing with her." Ivan informs. "We'll start the training tomorrow. You didn't forget what I taught you, did you?"

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