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My dad walks towards us and Kara holds my hand

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My dad walks towards us and Kara holds my hand. I try taking my hand off and Kara tightly holds on to it. "Stop," I say to her and she's not heeding to my words. Why is she trying to act tough in front of him? "Kara," my dad gets closer to us and he looks at her hand on mine. He scoffs in a smile and I take my hand out of her grip. I take in a deep breath and look at him. "Sir," I address him and Kara looks at me.

"Hello, Kara," he says to her.

"Mr. Robin," she says with a fake smile. "I haven't seen you in a while," she speaks cheerfully.

"Hey, can you go and see Lily? I'll wait here." I calmly say to her. "Please," I plead with her and she huffs at me before walking away.

"You're back with her," he says. "You always want to see me do my worst before you start being serious, don't you?"

"I'm being serious..."

"Acting like a fucking kid?" He angrily says. It's better to stay quiet and watch him rant on me, as always. "Why can't you for once act like your fucking brother? Have you ever seen him do this shit with anyone? You have one fucking thing to do, Ivan! Do not make me regret my decisions." I grit my teeth at his brutal words. I can never get used to how he's never going to stop comparing me to Sean.

"I'm sorry. I'll make it right."

"I need you to get your head in this. Act like my fucking son for once!" Isn't it funny the man who never wants us to call him dad claims we're his sons only when he needs us to do something for him?

"Yes, sir," I say sarcastically, hoping he gets the memo.

"I have my bet on her. Do not fuck it up for me. Stop fucking her and start protecting her. If anything happens to her, I'm going to have you responsible."

"Protect her from what?"

"That's none of your business. Do as I say without questions." What the fuck is he doing with her? Why the fuck did he sign her to this godforsaken place?
I nervously gulp and ask, "what do I have to do?"

"Keep an eye on her. She's going to be the next big thing I work on. All these wealthy and mighty people will come to us through her. We need to solidify our connections." He's got to be kidding me! We? "One talented black girl is going to make everything easier for us." I might puke if he uses 'us' again in his fucking sentence. "Think about it. Everyone wants better things..."

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