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I get out of the pool, shaking from head to toe and Ivan is still scowling at me

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I get out of the pool, shaking from head to toe and Ivan is still scowling at me. "Come here," he says to me and I walk to him. He holds my hand and walks inside the house with me. Myra looks at us, widening her eyes. Yeah, I must've fucked up again. Ivan walks into his room with me, lets go of my hand and looks at me. "Go and take a bath."

"I'm okay,"

"You're shaking and you look drunk." He points out. "Can you walk?" I can walk, but I need him to pamper me, so I shake my head. He holds my hand and walks me to the bathroom. He turns on the warm water for me and I take off my bra and thong. I expect him to stare at me like he used to, but he's not even looking at me.

I get inside the shower cubicle and take a short bath. He's looking at the door, arms on his chest and waiting for me to be done. I step out after finishing and he hands me a towel.

He watches me clean myself up. "Why do you keep messing up?" He asks.

"We were just talking," I answer.

"Yeah, do whatever you want and fuck whoever you want to." He says coldly and walk away. I walk to the bedroom and Ivan is in the closet, getting clothes for me. I can tell he's angry, but he's not talking about it. If he still wants me as much as I do, he should say it out to me. He hands me my clothes and I shake my head to him. "What now?"

"I want yours."

"Why should I give you my clothes when we're not in a relationship?"

"You're mad that Sean was with me." He puts the clothes on the bed and heads out. "If you're done with me, I'm going to have fun with anyone like you expect me to. You should do the same." He walks away after my 'nonsense.' "I'm serious. I'm going to fuck everyone if you don't talk to me."

"Go ahead," he says. I pick up the pillow and throw it at him. "What do you want from me, Kara!" I pick up another pillow and throw it at him. "I'm not going to do this with you." He bickers at me and walks out of the room.

"You make me sick, Ivan!" I yell, although he's gone. Why am I so furious just because he doesn't want me anymore? I'm the one who chose my career over him, so why does it still hurt?

I go into the closet, pick up one of his oversized t-shirts and put it on. I am looking for his trouble this night. I put on the shirt with no undies on, lay down my hair and walk out of the room. I hear Myra and Sean's laughter from the hall and I join them. Ivan is seated away from them, eating his food and scrolling through his phone.

"Hey Kara, I thought you were sleeping," Myra says. She looks drunk as well. Sean must've given her some of his drugs.

"Let's do something fun." I sit next to Sean and he sighs. "Don't you have any games we can play?"

"Why are you asking me?" Sean asks.

"Because you're the fun type." I smile at him and he leans close to my ear.

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