Moments With You

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The truth: I feel myself pull into Ivan's cold hands

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The truth: I feel myself pull into Ivan's cold hands. I like how he holds me, how he quickly reshuffles his smiles into a cold stare. He would disagree that he has a nice smile. To me, he is like every other person out there, dealing with life's unbearable happenings. We all deal with it and go through it.

He pulls out of my embrace and ruffles his hair with a sigh. "I have to go somewhere," he declares.

"I'll come with you. I promise I'll be quiet." I blink my eyes multiple times at him.

"Never do that again,"

"Is it too cute for you?" I laugh.

"Pfft, you wish," I playfully punch his arm and he holds my tiny hand. "Promise to stay in the car?" I cross my heart and he sighs. "Okay, come with me. I'll need your company." My smile widens and I make way to sit in his car. He joins me in the car and sighs before taking off. I heed my promise of not talking, Ivan does not seem to be in the mood for a chat. I stare as he drives and you can tell he's thinking. He has been gripping on the steering wheel and mumbling to himself. I don't know where we're headed to and I feel nervous for him.

It takes half an hour to get to our destination. Ivan parks few metres away from an apartment complex and he puts his head on the steering wheel. "Fuck," he cusses and raises his head. Then he looks at me. "I'll be back soon, don't leave the car." I nod. "Don't leave the car, Kara," he repeats and that only makes me more nervous.

"I won't," I assure him and he holds my hand. "I'll be here,"

"I know." He takes off his hand and steps out of the car. I see him walk to the car's trunk and get something out. He closes it and makes his way to the complex.

I wait in the car, feeling nervous every second and wondering what this is. I am tempted to go after him, but I don't want to be too inquisitive, knowing he hates that. So I wait.

I wait and wait for minutes and I am losing my mind. What is going on?! Few more minutes later, I see him come out of the building and I heave a sigh of relief. Ivan walks back to the car's trunk again and puts something in before entering the car. When he sits, I see the red stains on his hands and splatter on his shirt. I freak out a little and sit up in my seat.

Ivan takes off the jacket, wipes off his hand and throws the jacket in the backseat. I see these tattoos up close and they look charming on his skin. I don't take my eyes off even when he starts the car.

"This is pretty," I compliment and he nods his head. "Should I keep quiet?"

"No, talk to me. I need the distraction." He says quietly and I find myself smiling at how his deep voice relayed the message.

"Do you want to hear a secret?" I enquire.

"You really want to tell me?" I sigh. "Okay, sure. I'm all ears."

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