Breaking Down

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I push back my thoughts and walk into my room with a smile on my face

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I push back my thoughts and walk into my room with a smile on my face. Myra takes off her nightwear and walks to the bathroom. I put my bag down on the bed and I'm feeling suffocated in my own clothes. "Did you and Tucker fuck all night? It's evident on your face." She laughs from the bathroom. "I'm stepping out soon with Claude."

"Okay," I sit down on the bed and bow my head down.

She comes out of the bathroom minutes later and starts dressing up. "Why are you back early? I thought you two would be spending the day together."

"We're not together, Myra." I get off the bed and walk to the bathroom. I need a bath too. I brush my teeth and take my bath, cussing under the shower. Ivan is such a prick! It doesn't even surprise me. He has already flirted with someone in front of me. Oh, like he gives a shit about my feelings.

I finish taking a bath and put on a T-shirt. Myra is done, all dolled up. "I'll see you tonight. Don't miss me too much," she blows me a kiss and walks out of the room.

My stomach rumbles and I know my body needs food. I walk out of the room and go to the kitchen to fix myself some breakfast. There's someone in there already and she does not look friendly. She's washing a plate with a frown. She looks at me and I awkwardly smile at her. She puts the plate back and leaves the kitchen.

I take out eggs and bread. I keep yawning even as I'm preparing the food. The omelette and toasted bread turn out good and I take a seat on the kitchen stool to munch into it. I finish the food in seconds and I make a loud burp. I cover my mouth and burst into laughter at how stupid it sounded.

Ivan Roy walks into the kitchen at the exact time I embarrass myself. Does the universe hate me too? He opens the fridge and picks up mixed fruits in a covered bowl. He takes out a fork and walks to where I sit. He sits across me and ignores my presence. He opens the bowl and I wish I could have a bite of the sliced apples.

"You spent the night with Tucker?" He questions, eyes still on the fork.

"We did," I answer.

Ivan looks up at me and shoots me a death glare. "You let him do it?"

"Do what?"

"You said I wasn't going to be your first, so I'm guessing you had him in mind." What the fuck is he talking about? "You've always had him in mind." He points out.

"What are you even talking about?"

"You know what the fuck I'm talking about, Kara. I asked to bring you back here last night and you refused my offer."

"Because you didn't even look at me when you were talking to her. You wanted me to tag along when you acted as my presence irks you?"

"You know it doesn't."

"You show it does. You act like we're strangers to each other and that... hurts Ivan. I don't expect much from you but do not treat me like that. I did nothing to you."

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