Crucify Me {Oliver}

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I didn't sleep again, and I found myself out on the porch, twirling my lighter in between my fingers. I was satisfied, a whole month in this town and I hadn't succumbed to the hoity doom and gloom that sucked onto everyone's soul. Truth was, I wasn't so sure that my soul wasn't already gloomy. I craved the dark sky and I recoiled from the outside world when ever sun stuck through the constant over cast. I smoked more now, craving that little release. It was cool. I had done better here, as my mum had insisted.

Made new friends. Check.

Live a little outside of my comfort zone. Check.

Meet an undoubtedly amazing, sexy stranger. Double check.

Life wasn't so bad after all. I had friends, they were nice. I had my family. They're pretty nice too. But all I wished was that I could talk to Austin more. It seems as if now he was becoming more reclusive. We'd fruitlessly switched roles, que socially awkward tattooed boy, to stumble in and some how mess up my entire world. But in a good way. I smiled. He made me smile quite often. 

It was a nice feeling.

I crept back in the house, but my mum was already waiting for me. She had dark circles under her eyes, her hair pulled away from her slender face. 

"Oli, whats wrong"

I shook my head.

"What do you mean?"

She sighed, crossing her arms. 

"You're not sleeping again, and you're becoming a chimney."

I flushed. She sat down, sighing into her hand. 

"What's really going on Oli, tell me. I know it because it's like a switch in me. It's on and it's constant. You're not sleeping, you're teachers are already complaining. It's been a bloody month Oliver! How can you already be falling short in studies?"

I looked at my hands. 

"Sorry i'm not perfect"

She looked at me, carefully picking over her words in her brain. 

"That's not at all what I meant Love"

"It's someone."


I sat down next to her. 

"Yes, and they're funny and unpredictable and fun but he hasn't been to school lately and its frustrating me."

She looked at me.


"Yes he."

She smiled softly. 


She smoothed my hair with her gentle motherly hands 

"You don't like boys."

I sat there for a moment, thinking.

"Yes well, what if I do?"

She laughed softly 

"Oh it'll only be a phase nothing more."

I looked at her. 

"What if it isn't though?" 

"Then it is what it is" 

She stood. 

"Just give it time, when it's meant to be, the universe will align, until then, just keep trying to find your Juliet" 

She kissed the top of my head, and whispered,

"Or your Romeo."

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