Don't Go {Oliver}

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"Where have you been?!" 

My mum said as I walked thought the door. She had been perched in her love seat, waiting for me to come down the walk. My father sat with his fingers steepled, hands in front of his mouth. 

"Do you know how worried your mother was?" 

He said gruffly. I looked at her. 

"I'm sorry mum, I didn't think you'd mind me being out. I should've called."

She hugged me tightly. I tried not to wince when she ran her hand over my healing side. 

"It's not that that had me worried. The school called." 

She frowned slightly. She sat down and patted the cushion next to her. 

"They said that you skipped class this afternoon."

I gulped. 

"You know that your mother and I don't ask you to do much. Hell you don't have to lift a finger in this damn house, but all we ask is you keep your grades son. How fucking hard is it to do your studies?" 

I looked down at my lap. 


My mother said softly. 

"No Kate, he doesn't do a fucking thing. It would be different if you didn't coddle him." 

She glared at him. 

"We can discuss that later. And could you refrain from objecting that language at him? He's your son, not a prisoner who needs correcting." 

She touched my shoulder.  

"Where did you go?" 

I sat there, trying to formulate a lie in my head. If I told her that I was with Austin, she may reprimand me for being around him. 

"I went to a friends." 

"And that was more important than school?" 

I looked at my father. 

"It is. I was doing just fine back home but you just had to pick me up and throw me in here." 

My mum put her hand on my knee, telling me that that was enough. 

"We care about you Oliver, and we just want the best for you. Will you try Harder? Maybe make it a goal to get them up to a B average by the end of this month? Could you do that for me?" 

She looked me in the eyes. 


I said meekly. 

"Why don't you go upstairs, I'll bring you up some dinner in a while." 

I pushed myself off the couch and stalked up the stairs. I wanted to text Austin, tell him that I got in trouble for skipping school. I wanted to see him again, talk to him more. He had me wound tight and I didn't want to be cut loose. He had held my hand, electric movement buzzed through my hand. His hand was warm, and It was bigger than mine. I didn't know why I pulled away. I wish I hadn't. I sat on the top step and listened on my parents. 

"He's right, about the moving." 

My father scoffed. 

"Like he was doing that much better in England." 

My mother sighed. I could see in my mind the way the lines of her mouth turned slightly down. 

"At least he's trying Rob. Give him credit." 

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