My Understandings {Austin}

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He was the one sleeping in biology today. His flawless face was turned toward me, and it looked so rough. His skin was whiter than the milk in my fridge, and the circles under his eyes were so dark and wide they look painted on. He was lackluster all over. He was nearly swallowed by his hoodie, and he was softly muttering now and then. I laid a hand on his elbow and gently rocked him. His eyes snapped open and he jumped out of his chair, smacking his head against the leg of the neighboring table. He groaned softly and Mr. Ginter dropped his marker and rushed over kneeling beside him.

"Mr. Sykes? Are you alright?"

He wiped his tired eyes.

"Yeah, just leaned over too far"

Mr. Ginter gave him an appreciative pat on the back and walked back to the front. The students turned in their seats like a wave and he climbed back into his chair. He gave me a displeasing look and settled his head back into his arms. I stared at him. Despite the signs of fatigue, he was still breathtakingly beautiful. Those eyes were so big and brown and simply incredible. And his face, sculpted from the finest artisan marble. His rosy lips so plush and full. The thought of them even nearing my own sent a tingle down my spine. The bell rang, slamming me out of my splendor. As I was gathering my things, someone touched the inside of my arm. My expression soured, and I turned to him. I forced a plastic smile.

"I know you're still outrageously mad at me, but are we still on for studying tonight? I'll pay you even. I'm still failing hardcore"

Knowing we were being watched, I sighed.

"Yeah, just meet me at my locker after school."

He smiled.

"See you then Aus."

He winked a blue eye at me and my body erupted in goosebumps. The fact that he could still bend me at a whim terrified me. I ran a hand through my hair and sighed. I glanced over at my table-mate. He stared at me unblinking.


I asked to harshly. He simply shook his head and walked away. I made a face at him as he walked out. I slung my bag over my shoulder and poured out with the rest of the class. I squeezed my way down the congested hallway. David was waiting, slumped up against my open locker. He was holding my textbooks, spinning my keys around his finger. I took them from him, scowling.

"It's hard to be pissed at you when you look like you fell off a fucking magazine cover."

He smiled back.

"I know"

He batted his doll-like lashed at me. I rolled my eyes.

"So vain"

I let my eyes run down his figure, an old habit. Long legs, muscled chest. He had diamond blue eyes that crinkled when he smiled his brilliant white smile. He was hot. Undeniably. But he was so drawn away, introverted. That's why I had fallen in love with him. There was a part of me that ached without him. And the more I thought about him the more I could convince myself to forgive him.We walked out to my car.

"What are we studying tonight?"

I asked.

"I'm not sure yet."

He said sliding into the passenger seat.

"Well decide"

I retorted slipping in behind the wheel.

"I'm starving"

He whined.

"You still on that weird training diet?"


We rode the rest of the way to my house in silence. I pulled into the drive and got out, slamming the door more forcefully than necessary. He followed me in the door and up the stairs to my room. I laid my bag down next to the door and walked over to my closet. I peeled myself out of my tight jeans and slipped on a pair of snagged basketball shorts. I pulled my shirt off over my head. I was starting to rummage through my dresser when I felt David lay his hand on my shoulder.


I started, turning around, but his soft lips were already on mine. His arm wrapped around me so tight, pulling me closer to him, my bare chest against his clothed one. It felt so good, his lips pulsing undermine again. I ran my hands along his broad shoulders, his teeth teasing my lip, nipping and biting. He pulled away, running his free hand through my hair.

"I've missed this"

"I'm still mad."

"I know you're still mad and I'm sorry"

"Sure you are"

I said, unwrapping from his grip. He caught my waist and pulled me back. There was a look in his eyes. And It was so familiar, my body already jumping at that look. He sank to his knees.

"Let me show you how sorry I am"

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