join the club {Oliver}

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I decided to roll out of bed 15 minuets before school. I slowly pulled on old jeans and a green flannel. Yawning, I raked my fingers through my hair. I slipped on my dirty black vans and slung my bag over my shoulder. I jaunted down the stairs, trying to slip past the question. 


 My mum's gentle voice lilted from the table. I stopped and turned on my heel, blowing air out of my cheeks. I came beside her and she smiled at me. Her dark hair was parted down the middle and the sleeve of her grey sweater were pulled to her elbows. She undid my top button, and smoothed my collar. She smiled to me softly. 

"That will always be my favorite, I hate how you hide it" 

I touched the rose tattooed on my neck. 

"Too feminine" 

Her smile widened. 

"Have you made any new friends?" 

"A few. This lad named Matty in my art culture class, and Austin."

She looked at me keenly. 

"This Austin fellow is giving a blush about you." 

My cheeks blazed deeper. I feigned looking at my watch. 

"I'd love to stay a chat mum but i'm really going to be late"

She smiled to me and kissed my cheek. I told her goodbyes and my love, and I set out the front door to school. 


By the time I reached school it was already 8:27. I saw no sense to go to first period. I sat down in the cafeteria, a cup of black coffee in my hand. Some one dropped their bag next to me, and I looked up to see Matty, and a fellow that was, surprisingly gorgeous. He had long dark curls, stylish streaks of blonde running through, eyes wild. He had a perfect beaming smile. 

"Whats up babe, you must be Oli, Matty was telling me all about you. I'm Kellin by the way." 

This Kellin fellow waved to a ginger haired boy, who made his way over to us. 

"This is Alan, he's chill." 

His face looked familiar, and I remembered him from yesterday. He had gotten Austin riled, rallying up his anger like a revving engine. 

"Oh yeah, it's the pretty boy"

 Alan said, dropping down next to me. He nudged my shoulder with his. 

"So I must be the talk of the town now." 

I said softly, a blush creeping it's way onto my face. 

"It's not often we get a visitor from across the pond." 

Matty said, taking a swig off of my coffee. I looked at the analog clock near the office, and I stood collecting my things. 

"It was nice meeting you lads, but I need to get to class." 

They looked at each other, a look only close friends knew. 

"See you around Oli babe"

 Kellin said leaning across, kissing my cheek. With a wave, I was down the hall skirting to Biology. I pulled my phone from my pocket and scrolled through my twitter, noticing that I now had a handful of interests. I looked up to see a lad walking down the hall, holding himself higher than Zeus. He wore pressed jeans and a dark red polo sweater with a crisp white shirt underneath. He wore a pristine smile and flawless hair. His water blue eyes shined and his skin glowed. He was almost disgustingly pretty. 

"David, right?"

 I heard myself say. He looked at me strangely. 

"I'm Oliver. I'm in your Algebra ll class." 

His brows perked up. 

"Oh yeah! Sorry, I didn't recognize you, busy busy! Well see you this afternoon." 

I was confused to how rushed his words were, to many syllables crammed between the period. The bell chimed and I watched as students pooled out of class, oozing out of every crevice. I walked into the lab, sliding onto a stool. The kids started to pile in, and my neighbor failed to show up. The bell rang and we delved into the lesson. After about 20 minuets the door banged open, and Austin strutted in. He didn't even bother an excuse and came to his seat, plopping down next to me. He was about to settle down into his lovely slumber when I slid him a folded piece of paper. He looked at it as if it were a two headed rabbit in the hanging gardens of Babylon. He unfolded it with his brutish force and I watched him draw a red pen from his pocket. He slid it back to me and I read it hungrily. 

"Who's Kellin? And Alan?" 

"Guys you don't want to be involved with, OK?" 

"Why not, they seem nice enough?"

"They aren't. They're cunts. leave them alone" 

"your #?"

"Why do you want to know?"

"Maybe I wanna know you" 

He looked at me sideways. A cute crooked grin.  He scribbled it down and I pocketed it. I turned back to my notes smiling. 

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