Pain {Austin}

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It was raining when we touched down. I grabbed my things from the overhead bin, slinging it over my shoulder. I walked onto the flight deck, pooling in with the other passengers. The airport was quiet in the afternoons, everything washed in a stony grey film. I pushed out the doors. Lynn was there, leaning against the pillar. I gave her a tight hug.

"How was it?"


I smiled at her. We climbed in her car and set out. The clouds blanketed the sky, their tears drizzling down against the dense green of the forests. I could see the city start to appear. My heart picked up, a creeping dose of excitement.

"Are you going to the school?"

I looked at her.

"No. Just the house is fine."

She pulled into the neighborhood.

"Vic said he did pretty well."

I smiled.


She parked. With a small sigh she looked at me.

"Why does he need protected."

I rubbed my mouth.

"Because he trusts me too much."


I looked at Lynn.

"And Alan?"

"Already had to burn that bridge."

She leaned over and kissed my cheek.

"You're a good man."

I squeezed her hand.

"You trust me just as much"

She smiled at me. I climbed out and waved as she left. I pulled my key from my pocket. The house was warm, white. I set up stairs and left my things in my room. I changed into warmer clothes and went down to the kitchen. There was a cinnamon candle burning on the counter. I poured a cup of coffee. I glanced at the clock above the sink.

2:11 p.m.

I took a sip. He would be heading home soon. Vic would give him a ride. He would be there by 3:30. I set my cup down, grabbing the keys from the counter. My dad had taken my car to get the oil changed. He left me the truck. It was tucked away in the garage. It was shiny black still, new. I got in and set out from the house. Driving in the rain always made me feel content, gave me a moment of tranquility. I drove down the winding streets to his block, to his house at the end of the street. It was a quaint two story house, with a bright red door. The mountain loomed over it, guarding the structure. I parked on the street and hurried up his lawn. I knocked on the door twice. His mom opened the door. She gave me a hesitant smile.

"Austin. Hello"

I gave her a warm smile. She relaxed.

"Oliver isn't here."

"I know. I was just wondering if I could
wait for him until he came home from school?"

She stood there, chewing her bottom lip. After a moment she opened the door wider inviting me in. Their house was warm, sweet smells lilting from their kitchen. I trailed behind her. She insisted I sit at the table. She poured me a cup of coffee.

"I'm sorry about the mess. I was just doing some baking."

"Don't sweat it."

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