Chelsea smile {Oliver}

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I crunched through the snow in my lawn. It had been snowing for the past four days. Today had been the last day of finals, and the entire town seemed to be teeming with holly jolly joy. I opened the front door and an ocean of gingerbread and cinnamon assaulted me.

"Oli is that you?"

"Yes mum."

I said closing the door. I walked into the kitchen. It looked like a war zone. My mum smiled at me, her dark hair pulled back and green sweater caked with flour.

"I just took ginger cookies out if you'd like one, I know they're your favorite."

I smiled and took one off the pan.

"Oh something came for you, it's on the counter."

I picked up a lush maroon envelope, my name nearly scribed on the front. Curious I opened it and pulled out a thick crème card.

"You are cordially invited to the annual Carlile & Carson Christmas gala. A black tie affair. We would be pleased to have you as a guest of honor. Saturday December 22nd 7:30 pm"

A smile quirked my lips for a small second.

"Who brought this?"

My mum looked up.

"The postman. What is it?"

"An invitation."

"For what?"

"Austin's dad is having a party at his office."

She smiled.

"Well that's lovely."

I took another cookie and kissed her on the cheek. I headed up to my room. I dropped my bag on the floor and stopped, noticing the intricately wrapped box on my bed. I picked it up and spun it around, seeing no tag. I ripped off the paper and saw a familiar sight. It was a box from the candy store. I opened the lid and saw the most beautifully iced sugar cookies. Tucked to the side was a small folded piece of paper. I grabbed it and greedily read it.

They don't taste as good as you - AC

I felt my cheeks blush. I closed the cookie box and sat it on my desk. My phone buzzed and my heart leapt with excitement.

5:34 p.m.
Kellin: "did you talk to him?"

My heart sank.

5:35 p.m.

With a sigh I put my phone in my pocket. I jaunted down the steps and entered the kitchen where my mom was bustling from counter to counter.

"Can I borrow the car."

Without looking up she tossed me the keys.

"Be safe and by back by 7. I'm making dinner."

"Ok. I will."

I hurried out the front door to the car, the winter air biting me. With a narrow memory I drove down the maze of streets until I pulled into the jam packed parking lot of the store. I opened the door and a roar of noise collided with me. There were people standing in every inch of the place, Kelli and Lynn frantically tending to customers. When Kelli saw me she waved. I stood in line and waited as it trudged along, the chatter knawing at my ears. When the last customer went along and things were to gentle roar I walked up to the counter and smiled.

"I thought I'd come by and thank you in person for the cookies."

Kelli smiled.

"It was my pleasure."

Austin pushed through the kitchen door, encumbered by a large tray teeming with sugar cookies. He grinned when he saw me.

"I'm glad you showed up. I was going to come by later."

He set the tray down on the counter.

"Will you help me, there's still a few more back here."


I said with hesitation. I followed him back to the kitchen. When the door swung shut behind me, he spun on his heels and looked at me.

"Come over tonight. Midnight. If you're not on my front step then I will come get you."

I was shocked.

"Why the sudden interest in me?"

His eyes were fiercely dark, sexy and smoldering.

"I figured we could catch up."

His voice was low and thick, sweet music to my ears. I felt myself perk at his change in demeanor. He grabbed another tray.

"Will you be there?"

I grabbed the last one. I nodded my head.

"No I need to hear you say it."


I said breathlessly.

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