A lot like Vegas {Oliver}

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I sat in the kitchen with my parents, my mom hunched over her planner, toiling over her notes and appointments, and my father was reading a report while clutching his bourbon. There was a knock on he front door, and I shot up nervously. I opened the door and Matty smiled at me.

"Hey, mind if I come in?"

I let him step past me. My mom looked up from her work and beamed.

"You must be Oli's friend, Matty"

He smiled and shook her hand.

"Yes ma'am that would be me"

My father and he made brief eye contact and he gave Matty a curt nod.


Matty gave him a nod back.


I leaned over and gave my mom a kiss.

"I'll try not to stay out too late"

She smiled. We walked out of the house and I climbed into his car next to Kellin.

"Sorry, he literally attached himself to me to let me take him. He's like a puppy. You can't go anywhere with out him God forbid"

Matty smirked at him.

"You know you love me bro"

Kellin laughed. We drove a short ways, while Kellin sang panic! At the disco songs as loud as he could.

"For trying to be obnoxious as bloody possible you have a really nice voice"

I commented. He laughed.

"I do dabble in the act"

He said mocking a pseudo accent. I snorted.

"But I am sorry to say you make an awful English man"

We parked in Kellin's drive way and walked through his yard to get to the basement door. I trailed behind Matty and entered a relatively well decorated room. The walls were covered in various band posters. The Stones, Hendrix and even one of James dean. There were colorful beanbag chairs surrounding a table littered in stickers. There were two rooms off to the side. One held a washer and dryer and the other, I assumed, was Kellin's bed room. I sat down in a purple chair next to Alan, and Kellin handed me a beer. I opened it and took a swig. It was god awful, but I drank it anyways. There were eight people here, not much of a party.

"I hope you weren't expecting some project X shit"

Alan said

"That's tomorrow"

"We usually just hang around and get a little buzzed and do illegal shit on Friday nights"

I looked over and met the coldest blue eyes I've ever seen. The blokes skin was whiter than milk. He had dark chocolaty brown hair, and piercing pale, icy, eyes.

"I'm Jordan, by the way"

He said.

"We call him fish"

Matty chimed in.

Jordan gave me a small smile. Sitting next to him was a tall boy I remembered from science named Aden and his twin sister Aubrey. Sitting on the couch next to Alan was David. I met his eyes and bristled. Aubrey came over and sat in my lap, laying her arm around my shoulders.

"So, Europe, tell us a little about yourself"

I smiled nervously.

"Well I lived in Sheffield for almost my entire life until we packed up and moved to this burg - no offense, and so far I've become disinterested in life and all humanity as we know it"

They all laughed, and Aubrey kissed my cheek.

"You're a funny kid, I think you should stick with us more often."

Everyone raised their beers in agreement. Everyone except David. He sat with a stony look on his face.

"So you're friends with Austin now"

He said sharply. The room quieted. Aubrey got off of me and quickly retreated to Aden. Kellin looked at his hands and Jordan nervously swigged his beer.

"You could say that"

I said cautiously. He snorted.

"Of course you are"

He scoffed, taking a swig.

"What's that supposed to mean"

I said, setting my eyes, hard steel on him.

"Whatever you want it to be"

I curled my hand into a fist.

"No tell me"

Matty set his beer down.

"Oliver, don't. David quit being a jack ass. "

I glared at Matty.

"No. Tell me what you meant David."

He looked at me.


he said pointedly.

"He's not yours to take. He's my boyfriend, so if you could kindly refrain from hanging all over him, I'd really appreciate it"

I rolled my eyes at him.

"You're a very dense bloke to think that I even think of Austin in that way. We're only friends and that's the only thing we'll ever be. I don't like boys. I like pussy. So if you could so kindly refrain from hanging all over my ass about your relationship problems, I'd really appreciate it"

He looked at me. A swirl of jealousy still so potent in his eyes.

"Alright. I'll take your word for it."

I sat back. Satisfied.


I got up and got another beer. As I was standing at the cooler, my heart knocked wildly in my chest. I had lied to him. I did think of Austin in that way. But did i think of him that way? No of course not. He's your friend. You're not gay. You said it yourself you like pussy I thought. Yet I was starting to doubt myself. I sat down, and Kellin and Matty had begun to battle it out in call of duty, Kellin shouting obscenities and Matty laughing. The twins were consoling with David, and I found myself looking at my hands. Jordan came over and laid his hand on my arm.

"Can I say something"

I looked at him. He sat on the floor and sighed.

"I'm sorry for David. He's always been that way. Protective and what not. But I know where he's coming from. We see the way that he's been looking at you lately. And we all know how Austin is. We didn't invite you here to jump you. We just wanted to get to know you, and for David to stop running his mouth."

He looked at me.

"You know?"

I nodded.

"Yeah I know"

He smiled, but it quickly faded.

"You can choose to believe me or not, it's up to you. But Austin isn't a good person. And he will hurt you, so it's best if you just stay away from him."

He put his arm around my shoulders and leaned in close.

"And from what I've heard"

He  whispered

 "Is that he's going to try something at the party"

I looked at him, confused.

"You mean with me?"

He nodded.

"But I'm not -"

"I know you're not gay, but do you think that would stop him"

I stared at my lap.

He patted my back.

"Look, it's your choice. If you want to gamble the odds go right ahead."

I sat, dumbfounded.

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