Public service announcement {Austin}

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I held the crumpled detention slip in my hand and lazily threw it at the trash. I didn't know why they bothered giving me those when they knew I wasn't going to show up. I had too much on my mind to care about an hour and thirty minutes in the library after school. I almost felt bad about leaving biology. He was there beside me, with those large caramel eyes. His eyes weren't the only remarkable thing about him. He had silky coffee brown hair, a dark grey beanie placed over the angel soft locks. His face was so dramatic, with prominent cheekbones, and full rose kissed lips. He had a subtle childlike glow about him, but inside his eyes, they beamed maturity. Hardness. A certain type of medicated pain.

I wish I knew his name. I wish I knew the story behind those eyes. I wish I knew a lot about him. He was a stranger in this wide world, and that made him just like me. That fact felt odd to me.

Just like me.

I quickly shook my head. No one could be just like me. No one was that messed up. No one abused substance as I did. I don't even like it, in fact, the hot liquor usually burns all the way down and the toxic smoke from cigarettes stung my eyes and tasted retched. I only did it so that the potions of destruction numbed my body and I could no longer feel. I could no longer feel the touch of Davids' drunken smile on mine or feel the crushing blows of my fathers' hands. So I could no longer see Heather standing there doing anything. I liked being drunk. I liked being so out of control of myself. I didn't feel so responsible that way. Amid my inner narration, I collided with a warm body.

"Watch it"

I said, yet immediately biting my tongue.

"I'm sorry"

He said. I looked down at him. He was shorter than me. Quite remarkably too. I looked at the pale yellow slip in his hands.

"Whatcha got?"

I asked firmly.

"Why should it matter to you?"

He said flatly. I was taken aback.

"It shouldn't."

I said simply.


He said looking up.

"Now please move, I'll be late to my next class."

I smiled.

"No, you won't be."

He looked into my eyes.

"Well, yes I will be."

He said sternly. I laughed.

"It's fifth period. No one has class now"

He blushed deeply.


He whispered. I stepped around him.

"Austin is it?"

He said coolly. I froze. I didn't turn around to meet his gaze. "Yes?"

"Its a Librarian Aid application."

He said, smug.

"For someone who's been here longer than me, you should've known that, but judging from your tentative attention skills in Biology, I guess you aren't one on the smart side are you?"

I heard him walk away. Normally I would have been furious, and I was sure my face displayed it flawlessly. Yet, deep inside I felt a devious, yet ingenious plan form. And his cocky words laid all the pieces perfectly in place.

"Its a Librarian Aid application"

I guess today would be the first time I would ever go to Detention. And it would not be the last. 

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