Oh No {Oliver}

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There was a knock on my window. I looked over, saw his eyes peering over the sill. He was stretched from the tree, holding on with his finger tips. I opened the window, and he hoisted himself in, falling into a heap on my floor. 

"What is it with you guys and my bedroom window." 

He stood, brushing off his shirt. 

"It's more fun this way." 

He ran his fingers along my neck, chilling my skin. 

"Does it hurt?" 

I shook my head. 

"Not as much as my face." 

His hand was on my cheek. 

"You're still pretty cute." 

I put my hands on his waist. 

"I can say the same about you." 

He leered over me, shrouding me. He raised his brows at me. I pulled him into me, breaking space. He smiled down on me, face glowing with anticipation. I kissed him, softly at first. He was phenomenal. Sweet, languid lips moving with mine. He was so addicting. Like Heroin. I could feel his hand on my back, pulling my tighter against him. His body was warm, lively. I was suspended in our moment. I wanted to say it out loud, that heavy L word. I bit my tongue, knowing that we weren't there. His lips pulled away from mine, and I felt that fleeting sense of fulfillment. 

"Why do you always stop?" 

He bit his lip tentatively, it was a suggestive motion. 

"Because I never want to overwhelm you." 

I looked up at him. 

"You wont." 

He laughed, encircling me in his arms. 

"When turning a straight boy gay, you have to ease them into it. Too much too soon can drive you a bit crazy." 

I put my hands on his chest. 

"And what if I always was gay and you just didn't know?" 

He laughed. 

"One, there's no way I wouldn't have known. Two, it would be news to me if you were." 

He ran his fingers through my hair. 

"Besides. I like the way you are." 

He looked at me. 

"And When I kiss you I want you to know that I mean it." 

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