Chasing rainbows {Oliver}

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By the time lunch came round, Austin had agreed to coffee with me. By last period, we agreed it to be at his place. I found it comforting, how we easily fell into conversation. I'd noticed in the past few days, I'd grown to like him quite well. He was smart, funny, and a little bull headed. He loved to poke fun at people. He was certainly something else. I stood at my locker, shelving texts, packing my bag, when I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I turned to see Elise, the other aide in the library. She stood there shyly clutching her bracelets, turning them nervously.

"Hi Oli" 

She said softly.I closed my locker, leaning against it casually.


 I smiled at her. She stood straighter, brushing platinum curls behind her shoulder.

"So uh, I was wondering... Are you doing anything Saturday? Maybe you'd like to go to a bonfire with me? They're kinda a big thing around here. " 

She giggled. I smiled at her, shaking my head.

"Are all girls so shy?"

She blazed red, embarrassment wearing her well. I fished a piece of scrap paper and scribble down my number.

"I'd love too"

She took it in her manicured hand and said her goodbyes. She mingled with a group of girls and they squealed and congratulated together, skittering away like a group of birds. I heard a jaunt laugh and I turned to see Austin standing there.

"Elise McKinley. Nice dude"

He wore that crooked smile, and my stomach somersaulted over and over. That was another thing I noticed. He could undo me with a single glance. I never though myself as gay, I knew I definitely was into girls. But how is this stranger doing this to me?

"She's real sweet, nice." 

I added.

 "She asked me to some blokes bonfire on Saturday"

Austin cracked a wide grin.

"You're going to Kellin's party. He may be a douche but damn does he throw great parties. I hope you aren't a light weight"

I cocked a brow.

"I can drink with the best of them"

He laughed, a deep, shaking sexy laugh. His hand covered his mouth, shielding.

"Do you always do that?"

"When I laugh? Yeah. Habit I guess"

We made talk all the way to his car.

"This is nice" I remarked.

"It's alright"

I grinned. "It's better than my car"

"You have a car?"


We both laughed. He drove us to his home, and we talked, bickering over music, cracking jokes. He pulled into the drive of a behemoth of a house. Two stories, gated drive. Giant Grecian pillars and marble lions. I suddenly felt drastically under dressed.

"This is really your house?"

"Yup. Welcome to casa de Carlile"

We walked up the steps. He reached for the door handle, but some one already opened it.

"Austin baby you didn't tell me you were going to have guest, oh the house is filthy!"

I peeked around the chattering woman to see marble floors so clean, you could see your reflection.

"Aren't you going to introduce me?"

Austin's smile wavered, a slight twitch on his eye.

"This, is my step mom heather. And this is Oliver."

She looked me up and down, surveying me.

"Well I was just heading out, you kids need anything?"

Austin shook his head. Heather reached up and kissed Austin's cheek and she stepped past us on our way in. When the door was shut Austin wiped his cheek.


I was drawn back.

"Who, heather? She seemed nice."

He let out a little snort of laughter and said nothing. I sat myself at the counter, as Austin poured us two cups. He leaned across the counter facing me. His skinny hips were cocked, teasing me.

"So, back to our conversation from a while ago. Why are you here."

I took a small sip.

"Dad wanted us here. We came. And I don't know if I'm happy. I loved England. It's amazing. The people the culture. My only life has been there. And Hannah."

He looked at me over his cup. "Hannah?"

I ran my finger along the edge of my mug.

"She was my girlfriend. She was amazing, beautiful, artistic. But she was sleeping with my best mate, I knew it but I denied it for so long. it's your turn. Tell me something."

He pulled out the stool next to me and settled in.

"Parents split when I was 12, haven't been happy since. My mom moved back to California, lost the custody fight. So now I see her for a week every year. I hate my dad. He thinks he better than me, that I'm some misfit that he needs to fix. Got addicted to tattoos and junk food. And here I am today"

I sat silently.

"I'm sorry about your mum. I don't know what I'd do with out mine. You'll have to meet her soon."

I made a mental note to tell my mom I loved her when I got home.

"How many tattoos do you have?"

"My arms" he replied. "My chest shoulders. I wanted everything. But it looks like you beat me too it"

We both smiled.

"I got mine as a whim. A dare almost. And I've gonna a bit crazy. I thought my mum was gonna have a heart attack when I got my face done."

He smiled brighter. "I like it. It fits you well"

I subconsciously touched the three dots under my eye, blushing. He smiled at me, it reaching his eyes, igniting them. 

"You know, you're lucky" 

"And why's that?" 

He smiled, setting down his cup.

 "Because, i'm not usually so nice to new people. But you seem to be the exception." 

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