Chapter 08 - USJ Arc - Return the favor

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None of the thugs took Ranfa seriously when she said she's not the trapped with them but they're trapped with her. Ranfa gave them all a warning and if they keep coming at her anyway, it was okay for her to fight back. Aizawa and Thirteen didn't give anyone permission to fight but she took the initiative anyway and decided to take matters into her own hands.

"So what if you have a sword made out of fire?! I have a water Quirk! I'll put your fire out!" A villain with a water Quirk released a torrent of water her way. "Pokemon, bitch! Water always puts out fire!" 

But the water had no effect on Ranfa or her sword that's raging with a powerful flame. She's not even wet. 


The villains with her were all confused. Why didn't the water put out the fire?! 

"Since you're all standing there unable to work out what just happened, I'll tell you what happened: the fire is so intense that it evaporated the water before it even touched me." She smirked at the villain, "Now it's my turn." 

"You...!" The thugs decided to come at her with numbers. 

In her vision, she saw so many useless swords. There's no point in taking out a new sword to fight because just one sword was enough. If she took out another sword, she really will end up killing them. She wouldn't mind killing them because she saw it as self-defense but it was best to not kill them...probably. "Dance of Fire..." She held the sword so the back of the blade touched her left palm. "Backfire!" The moment she did a side slash, the fiery sword created a dome-like shield made out of intense heat. The moment the villains touched the dome, they were all blown back by extremely hot steam! Everything from the outside will be blown away by hot steam! So don't touch her shield! 

For Ranfa, elemental type of Quirks were the best because they all make the same type of blade 100% of the time so if she pulled two swords from two fire users, she will get two fiery swords; that's why when she decide to make a sword from others, she'd prefer the elemental types. 

The villains decided to band their powers together. A few of them had similar water Quirks and they planned to blast water at her with their combined strength. They're conjuring their attack together right now. When people see that happening before them, they would run away...but Ranfa did not run. 

"What's the matter, girl? Are you so overwhelmed by the sight of power you are standing still?" 

"No, I'm standing here wondering why trash thinks coming together would make a difference; trash is trash no matter the amount." 

The villains had enough of how cocky she was. They decided to shut her up with their super torrent of water. 

Ranfa sighed. She didn't think she'd have to use another dance. "Dance of Fire: Raging red dragon." The fiery sword emitted even more fire! She charged forward into the incoming attack. The shape of the fire looked like that of a dragon made out of fire. The fire dragon let out a powerful roar of might as it evaporated the water almost instantly! Ranfa was soon in front of the villains and she cut straight down in front of them. The villains thought she had missed but she didn't. This attack allowed her to conjure a fiery dragon and the fire will always follow after her blade. The fire dragon slammed down where the tip of her sword hit and it blasted all the villains trapped in the demolished building right out of the broken windows!  

"What the?!" Kirishima looked out of the broken window and he saw a building had fire blasting out of it. Was a villain causing it?! 

Ranfa walked out of the building unscathed. She dropped the fiery sword, releasing it and returning it to the owner. She didn't even break a sweat.

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