Let's Go Shopping!

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When the blonde heard you wanted to go shopping he first began to question if you were okay. Usually you guys don't talk about these stuff. You've never asked to go shopping before, talked about wanting a specific dress or a specific set of shoes. You two just kind of never found the time to talk about that topic.

Now though, you want to go shopping with him. Naruto sighed deeply watching as you walked around the mall looking for something very much specific (yeah I know, word overused). He asked you, "what exactly do you want my love? I can send my clones out for it!" To which you brushed him off.

"Don't distract me." Suddenly your eyes shimmer letting him know you found what you wanted, and off you ran to grab the last T-shirt of (favourite band). But just as you took it into your hands another pair of hands had grabbed it too. You stared at the person and they stared back.

It was an older woman, she could have been in her mid 30's. All you knew was, she had a nasty and unnecessary attitude, and all you were trying to do was grab this shit and go. "Young lady," she started, "you have my T-shirt. Kindly let go of it." "Miss this shirt doesn't belong to you; you didn't even pay for it. How could it be yours?" "So you're saying it yours too?! I'm calling the manager!"

Naruto came walking just in time before you had taken the liberty to beat the shit out of this woman.

"Babe c'mon, don't fight her! It doesn't make any sense fighting her!" He had to drag you away from the short haired woman. She gave a small hmph and flipped you off, "listen  to your damn boyfriend you WHORE !"

You turn your head about to curse her from A-Z when Naruto covered your mouth and he peacefully left the store with you tightly in his arms.


Sasuke was not looking forward to going out with you today. Much less going shopping! So when he heard that you wanted to go to the mall and shop for some things, he was really bummed out and immediately told you, "I don't feel like it."

You were shocked when he said that, heart broken even. "B-but...[favourite brand clothes] just released a new set of outfits!... I was really looking forward to going with you! So I can show the world my boyfriend!" "The world has seen us one too many times. How about we take a break from being seen, huh?"

Sasuke lay back on the couch putting his feet up. He yawned lazily and opened his favourite novel reading it. "Why can't you just be a nice person for once and follow me?" "I've followed you plenty places! Go ask one of your girlfriends or something!"

You nodded, "alright. Fine." Picking up your phone you dialed a number while walking out the room. "Heyyy brother-in-law!" There was tumbling coming from the background now. "Sasuke doesn't wanna accompany on a decent shopping spree, so can you please join me? I really don't wanna go alone!"

"Y/n!!" Sasuke came yelling from behind. "End the call NOW!! Stop talking to that him!"

"Oh, you'll join me?! That's great! Thank you so much!" You end the call just in time for Sasuke to snatch the phone. "Why'd you have to call my brother of all people? Huh?" "Because he's the only person that'll be here early, and he's the only person that can make you join as well!" 

All throughout your time shopping with the two brothers, Sasuke never took his eyes off the older smirking male. After this day he promised himself to never deny you again.


You didn't have to beg Neji to go shopping. It was Neji who had to beg you! You were never the type of person into going out of the house anywhere else besides to a small restaurant or something. Either way it was always for food that you left. Or a mission. The Hyūga clan had a family event on Saturday, so Neji and yourself were invited and already prepared to go! That was of course until he started looking in your closet for a gown.

All the dresses you had were knee length or just not flouncy or bouncy. He didn't want you dressing like that. "We have to go shopping for gowns. You need three." You groaned out shaking your head and continuing to watch Tokyo Revengers on the television. "Baby, I don't want to have to drag you. Come on get up and let's go! We won't take long! You'll still get to come back to watch your anime my love.. "

But Neji's words weren't encouraging. Instead it made you wanna stay home more! Neji was about to give up until he had one more trick up his sleeve. "Fine, if you don't want to go shopping for your dresses I guess I'll have to take another woman. She'll be the one picking out your dresses." His words made you stop chewing/munching on your f/s (favorite snack) and look up.

"Which female exactly?" "Ten-Ten." "NO!!" You get out of bed and throws on his shirt. You spray/rub on extra deodorant and slipped on some random comfy shoes. You then used your favorite perfume; finally you grabbed his hand and pulled it along smiling brightly. "No Ten-Ten!!" "That's what I thought."

You nearly left when Hinata came running over. "Wait!" She yelled out of breath. "Wait!!" "Ugh.." Neji quietly groaned out. This was supposed to be a bonding experience for you two. "I don't have any dresses too.. Is it okay I tag along?" Before Neji got a chance to answer you did, pulling Hinata by her arm and smiling innocently at Neji. "Of course you can! I bet your cousin agrees too!"


Of the years you've been living with your fiance, you've grown to become blind at the furniture and blinds in your house. It was just the other day when you were making dinner on your day off, that you stopped and looked around at all the things you owned. It troubled you now, needy to give your home a makeover. So you took his credit card without him knowing of course, got out and breezed Suna's most luxurious home appliances building.

It was difficult, but you managed to bring home all of the new furniture! You threw out all the old ones selling them and transfering the money to Gaara's bank account. It took hours to fix up, but luckily you had some help from Temari and Shikamaru who came to visit. "You really outdid yourself y/n! And you made his favorite dinner? I hope Shikamaru can do something like that for ME one day! " Shikamaru heard her and he just laughed it off. He wanted no business with that woman and her mouth.

"Well I'll leave you to it. Bye!" "Bye Temari! Bye Shikamaru! " They  left and you continued cleaning.

At 9 you sat in the newly furnished living room sipping tea and watching the fire crackle in the pit. Gaara walked in, surprised at everything. It even made him check the address and then his keys. "Am I in the wrong house??? " "No! " You cheer placing your glass down and running up to him! "How was work?! I made dinner! "

"Work was... Okay. Why did you redecorate? " He cut straight to the point. "I.. Wanted to give the place some more light." "With who's money? " You smiled at him, Gaara smiled back and you both walked to the dining area. "We'll talk about that later. " The Kazekage tilted your chin upwards and gave you a soft loving kiss on the lips. You didn't hesitate to kiss him back, bringing him in closer and smiling.


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