When you can't sleep

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You lay next to Naruto feeling his hot steady breath on your neck as he held you close to him passed out. You moved a bit wide awake. When you tried to get out of bed Naruto just tightened his hold. "You okay?..." he muttered out. You nodded. "Mhm. I just...can't sleep." Naruto sat up placing your body against his as he laid his head down on your shoulder. "Oh..." he muttered. You closed your eyes. "Naruto?" "Hm?" Naruto glanced at you, his eyes half opened. "Aren't you tired?" Naruto lets out a dry chuckle. "Obviously~"


You lay on top of Sasuke as you listened to his soft snoring. Your eyes were wide awake. When you tried to move to another position Sasuke's eyes shots open immediatly, his sharingan activated automatically. "You okay?" He asked in alarm. "Yeah I just...can't sleep." The Uchiha grunted. He kissed your forehead. "Well I guess none of us will be getting some damn sleep tonight." He looked into your eyes. "Because I'm not gonna let you stay awake alone." You blushed a bit looking away. "Aww Sasuke that's so sweet." Sasuke smiled a bit kissing your hand gently. "Okay shut up now." ">.>"


Neji gently held you in his arms fast asleep while you lay wide awake staring at the window. Suddenly you saw the most terrifying thing ever that made you scream out loud. "ROACH!!!!" You ran out the room hearing the sound of a cockroach fly against the wall. Neji shot out of bed and killed it quickly. He walked over to you while you sat on the couch, eyes still wide open. "Y/n, babe it's dead." You looked at Neji. "What if there's more in there?" Neji sighed and he walked back in the room checking everywhere. "No more roaches y/n. Honey that one must have slipped in through the window somehow." When you got to bed laying on Neji cuddling with him, you both slowly fell asleep.

Three huge roaches were underneath the bed crawling and hitting against the wood of it trying to get on the bed sheet to crawl up on the bed......


Gaara watched you with tired sea green eyes as you ate chocolate and watched TV. "This will keep you up more baby." He muttered rubbing his head. "I don't really care!"
(2 hours later..)
"Gaara..." Gaara grunted and opened his eyes staring into yours. "What?" You frowned a bit going closer to him. "I can't sleep." He face palmed and went right back to bed. "Good night love." "I hate you sometimes."


You shook Sai back and forth. "Babe are you awake?" You constantly whispered. Shaking Sai more you started kissing his neck and squeezing his waist. "Sai.." Sai finally opened his eyes and looked at you. "This better be good." He said. You nodded. "I-it is! I can't sleep..." Sai sighed (A/N: Oml. XD what did I do) "what do you want me to do about it?" You pouted a bit hugging his arm tightly. "Hold me?" Sai smiled his fake smile and turned going back to bed. "Don't wake me up for foolishness again."

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