you seduce him

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You stood in front of Naruto wearing a black tank top and short black pants. The tank top had shown a lot of cleavage. Naruto sat on the couch drooling. "Naruto can we go out now!" You whine. Naruto nods his head. "Y yeah. B but first change your clothes. You don't want boys all over you." Said Naruto hurrying you up the stairs.


You sat on Sasuke's lap with puppy dog eyes. "Please get me some cookies!" Sasuke rolled his eyes. "No." He grumbled. Sasuke pushed you off his lap. You got up from the floor and walk to your room. When you came out and got in front of Sasuke he was speechless. "Cookies! If you get me cookies, Sasuke, I'll stay like this all day!" You had on strippers clothing that were red and hugged against your body. "F fine. But o only if you shut up." Said Sasuke flustered. He went to get you your cookies and served you all day 😉.


You are a shy girl. Neji didn't expect anything from you. But what do we have here. You were sitting on Neji with a tank top that squeezed against your breasts. "How does it look Neji." You ask innocently. "Umm. Not b bad at all." Stammered Neji. "Great!" Neji grabbed your hand and kissed your lips passionately. You moan into the kiss and it gets heated until Haishi cleared his throat.


You smirked walking around your boyfriend with a bra in your hand. Gaara sat blushing. You threw the bra on his face and he still sat blushing harder. "What's the matter baby?"you ask. Gaara stammered, "nothing." You giggled and Gaara finally passed out.

Okay I'm dropping this scenario down to 4 people because that's all I've been meaning to do. Sorry.

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