When You Anger Them

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"Y/n!!" Naruto yelled as he trashed the apartment. "Have you seen my wallet??" You peek your head in, "nooo?" By your response alone Naruto knew something was up. "Are you sure?" He asked raising his eyebrow. "Yesss-" "y/n where's my wallet?"

You give him a weird smile that he didn't like. "I took it with me ..and then I lost it." "You lost it?!" "I'm sorry! I-I was gonna tell you!" "When?!" You rubbed behind your head. "Soon...very soon?" Naruto rubbed his head. "Y/n why would you think that I wouldn't realize my wallet was missing? I buy ramen like every day." You felt ashamed and you looked down at your feet.

"I'm sorry.." "Sigh." Naruto rubbed the bridge of his nose. "It's fine, y/n. It's just fine." And he walked away muttering something about having to buy a new wallet now.


You have been arguing with Sasuke non-stop about an outing that you wanted to go to, but he wouldn't let you because he needed you to be safe. As if any of that mattered on the matter of having fun! You glared daggers into Sasuke's skull when he said for the 50th time, "you're not going to that concert! I don't care WHO'S taking you with them!"

"But it's the girls! We're all going why can't you just let me be happy?!" "I let you be happy all the time! It's you being SAFE that I worry about!! Stay your ass at home!" Sasuke left to go get groceries and you sat on the couch crossing your arms annoyed.

Once you heard that he had left completely you jumped to your feet and wore your most outgoing clothing, then you went to the concert with your friends!

[30 minutes later...]

Kunais were thrown everywhere as grass shinobi appeared attempting to kidnap all of you! You screamed out crying in fear because Sasuke wasn't there to protect you, as you tried your best to defend yourself against the ninjas. Just as you performed your sound jutsu on one Sasuke appeared with his sword covered with lightning and his eyes activated.

He grabbed you by the waist, stared at you hard and long, killed every last enemy ninja and left with you still squished to his side. "I'm beyond pissed." Sasuke said, and he didn't say anything else for the rest of the night. Or the morning after that. Or the week after that ...


You were stubborn, Neji knew this all too well. But there comes a point in time where your stubbornness can get very annoying, and then they can tick somebody off. This was that time.

You were home all day worried about Neji because he went out, and he wasn't replying to any of your texts or calls. Little did you know he was just busy. But you were determined to speak with him and HAVE A CONVERSATION god dammit because you wanted love!

Hours went by no response.

When he came home, you gave him the silent treatment. After having such a hard day Neji wasn't up for it, but he asked anyway, "what's the problem, Y/n?" "You didn't respond to any of my calls or text." "Because I was busy, Y/n." "Oh, were you?! You were so busy you couldn't respond to your worried girlfriend for two seconds??"

Neji sighed harshly, "y/n I couldn't have paused to respond to anything. You know this." "I don't care, you ignored me!" His eyes twitched. "When did me ignoring you ever come into play?" "You know what you did!" You yelled at him, "n-now apologize!" "I am not apologizing for something I can't control." Neji walked away to cool himself down. He was too angry to keep talking with you afraid he might lash out and say something out of the ordinary.

Especially since you were the reason he was mad. Accusing him of ignoring. "What the fuck is wrong with that woman?!"


The Kazekage was busy as hell as he rushed about the village to help fellow villagers with their problems, not being able to pay any attention to you like he wanted to. He felt like a terrible boyfriend but he had no choice.

Even though he regretted having to be so busy for you, he was also happy that he wasn't around you for now. Reason being, you talked too much sometimes! You were too loud sometimes! Gaara was happy to have a break from you. As he walked up to a little girl and gave her a bag of treats and clothes, you walked over and yelled, "HI GAARA!" He flinched.

"God..." He said to himself, "why is she here now?.." You smiled brightly and hugged him. "I've finally found you! Just kidding!! I was on a mission and I noticed you from afar so I decided to come over!!"

"Okay my dear.." "Gaara what're you up to?!" Gaara stared at you and sighed. "I'm helping the village." "I wanna help!" Your loudness was annoying him even more. Gaara was slowly starting to get mad, the sand around him levitated and even covered him. Very slowly, he tuned you out and walked away. You noticed his change in attitude and gave a small smile.

"Um...Gaara? You mad hon?" He didn't respond and just shook his head.


"Sigh ..." Sai lets one out watching you with unreadable eyes as you tried to fix a painting he had been working so hard on for the last year. In fact it wasn't just any painting. It was one of you, and it was one of those visual effect paintings that within your painting he had created the village in it's own special way.

What's worse is that this painting was also going to be your gift for your birthday! But unfortunately you had run into his art room that he always forbade you to enter because he knew of your clumsiness, you tripped on a paintbrush and crashed into the painting with a heavy thud. Sai had looked down at you with a very blank expression, and he hasn't said anything to you since. Even after you kept apologizing over and over and you tried to fix it, but Sai just sat there.

Eventually the ex-anbu just got up, walked outside and screamed for all the creatures in the mountains to hear. All except you of course.

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