If You Were His Parent

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You stood in the grocery store picking up some cup ramen like your 7 year old son Naruto had badly written down on the list he had made, sighing at how much he wanted. "Fifty ramen noodles..." You shook your head, "he's lucky I'm even considering three for him and him alone." Just as you placed the last different flavoured ramen inside a store clerk came up to you.

Holding him up by his underarm there was Naruto, an annoyed look on his face as he stared at the ground like it was his enemy. "Oh my! Naruto! I didn't even see when he moved!!" You said grabbing the boy's hand and pulling him to your side. "Ma'am your son was caught stealing gum." You froze and stared down at Naruto. "Naruto is that true?"

Naruto didn't say anything, instead he crossed his arms. "Thank you sir for bringing him to me. I'm sorry, it won't happen again!" You grabbed Naruto by his shoulders. "Now listen here you!" You scolded as the man walked away, "you are not to move by my side again and you're going to be punished for your lack of discipline when we get home!"

Walking out you kept your hand tightly on his as you've done throughout the rest of your shopping. You even put back the ramen cups, to which Naruto cried about. "Oh you wait till your father hears about this!!"


Sasuke was angry as he sat and waited on someone to pick him up from school. It overed 6 minutes ago, but he was still mad. Reason being was because of the fact that there were boys in his class that teased him terribly about his mother, you! Speaking of those bullies, three boys came running over to the raven head with giant smirks on their faces.

They paused and surrounded him. "Hey Sasuke! Where's your hot ass mom?!" Sasuke ignored them and tried to keep his anger down. He hadn't yet unlocked the sharingan, but the 10 year old knew to do so it'd take some serious trauma and he wasn't in the mood to go to jail so young. "Stay...away..." Sasuke threatened. "We just wanna know where your mama's at Uchiha!" Said the second boy, nudging the young Sasuke.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!!" Sasuke yelled. You came just in time to witness your boy getting harassed, and with your activated sharingan you scared off the boys, standing and staring at then with furrowed brows. Sasuke stood and shook his fist at you, "mom! I thought I told you not to come pick me up!!" "Well I'm sorry Sasuke but your father is busy and Itachi is on another mission."

"You know why I don't like you picking me up MOM?! Those kids call you a milf!!" "A what??" You asked confused. "Oh forget it!!" Sasuke stomped pass you and walked home with you quickly following behind.


You were sitting down outside of the screen door that separated you from your husband Hizashi, the man was busy and you couldn't speak to him privately at the moment. "Yes wife?" He asked you in his deep but gentle voice. "Husband I'm due for birth.." you told him with a smile on your face.

"Oh? And what is the gender?" "A boy, husband. We shall name him Neji like you told me to." Hizashi made a sound of approval. Just as you got up to leave your water broke, and you let out a cry as you fell to your knees again. "Y/n??" You took deep breaths. "I'm fine!" But the man didn't listen to that.

He rushed out quickly, gripped you from under your arms and lifted you up. The man looked into your e/c pupil less eyes and took you to the midwives. There in your bedroom you lay in bed, pushed as hard as you could, and after over 30 minutes, you gave birth to your beautiful baby boy. Neji was placed inside your arms wrapped in a white blanket.

He was crying, reaching up for your hand. You stared down at him with tear filled eyes, and reality struck you. "I wish you were born to the higher branch .." you told the baby boy, who cued and cried even louder as if he understood you. "But don't let your status determine your future my young Neji..ever .." the midwives then took Neji away so he could be cleaned, and they took care of you as well giving you stitches.


You were sick after giving birth to your baby Gaara, who was now three months old. During the past three months your flu symptoms were on and off, and seeing you in such a state your husband the Kazekage was very pissed with you. Often he'd yell and curse at you, calling you worthless and weak, but after giving birth to three children and surviving with a smile to anyone with sense it was obvious you were a super mom.

As you sat on a swing on the sandy and depressing village of Sunagakure your eldest Temari came running over to you with a small turtle she found, with Kankuro behind her crying because apparently Temari had shoved him into the sand. "Shhhh.." you told the little ones, pointing at Gaara who shifted in your arms and clung to your vest with his small fist.

"Mmm.." the redhead went, and he went back to his peaceful sleep. "Mom why is Gaara's hair red?" Kankuro asked as he stared at the boy, "and why does he have rings around his eyes?" Temari stared at Gaara next, "where are his eyebrows??!" "Children! Children!! Your brother is clearly different but that doesn't give you the right to question his looks! Look at one another!!"

Temari and Kankuro refused to do so. You glared at them as blank sand surrounded their feet. "Look. At. Each other." The children did so, and you spoke again. "Do you look ANYTHING like the other?" They shook their heads no. "My hair is blonde and your hair is brown." Temari said pointing at Kankuro. "Her eyes are a lighter brown than mine." Said Kankuro.

"But you're siblings from the same mother and father, right?" They nodded. "Good! Don't question your brother for his red hair and green eyes." "Sooo... he's NOT albino?" Kankuro asked which earned him a fall on his butt. "No he's not an albino." Temari muttered, and Gaara woke up. The baby looked around him crying until his eyes met your and his ears were filled with your loving words.

"Shhh.. don't cry baby don't cry! Mommy's right here..." The redhead calmed down and went back to sleep.


You were in your little art room filled with black paint and you painted all the darkness you've seen in the village. You were known as the village witch, because you had such creepy art, but no-one dared to tell you that to your face knowing that you controlled this art.

Your three year old Sai sat in a corner watching as you painted with fascination. He moved his hands and grabbed at the air, "mommy? Mommy you paint??" He asked as if he was now realising that's what you did. "Yes I paint Sai!" You called back to the little boy, who smiled and clapped his hands.

"Mommy paints!!" "Yes mommy paints! Do you want to try painting with mommy?" Sai nodded a yes very quickly. "Well you can't!" You tell him with a smirk watching as his eyes welled up with tears. "When you're old enough I'll let you paint with me." You gave him a wink, and he calmed down.

"Mommy did you...did you paint daddy away?" Sai asked as he stood and waddled towards you. "Noooo.." you told him kindly, "daddy just upped and left!" "Why?" "Because daddy's a deadbeat!" "Why?" "Because daddy is a typical ninja that only cares about fighting and sex! He hates responsibility!" "Why?" You paused and stared at Sai who picked up a black paintbrush and was painting the wall.

"Ohh...Sai..." "Mommy?" You stood and picked him up taking the brush out his hand. He stretched for it, "noo..no! Mine.." "nope! No brush for you! How about some soup?" Sai quickly forgot about the brush and he clinged around your neck as you left your black and white room, "yes yes! Soup!!"

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