how you're both in Highschool

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"Y/n hurry up we're gonna be late for school!!" "Coming!!!" You can running down the stairs in a f/c top and white jeans. "How do I look?" "Nice now let's go!" Naruto grabbed his car keys and got into his dark orange car. You got in also and you drove to school. You came out the car and saw Sakura, who wore a pink and black dress, along with Sasuke, who wore a dark blue top and black jeans (Naruto wore an orange and black top and black jeans). "Good morning Naruto! Good morning y/n!" Said Sakura. "Morning Sakura! Morning Sasugay~" you teased Sasuke.
(Time skip...)
You were in your history classes with Iruka-sensei. Naruto was giving his fan-girls flirtatious faces. You tried hard to pay attention to your teacher, but Naruto just kept making you more and more angry. At the end of the lesson, you left first. Naruto ran after you grabbing your hand. "Naruto you always pretend I'm not there! Like I'm not your girlfriend!" Naruto sighed and said, "sorry okay y/n. I can't help it! Nobody ever fanned over me and-" "Naruto you had people who fanned over you! Who adore you! Who's been adoring you forever!" By now the whole school was looking. "Who huh!? Tell me who!?" You wiped your tears. "Your parents! Me! Our friends! Not your crappy fan-girls that doesn't give a damn about you! You're a selfish! Son of a-" you felt warm lips on yours and kissed back. By now everyone already went back to who knows what. A fan-girl came over, but Naruto kissed your lips again telling them, back off he's taken.

You lay asleep on your comfortable bed not hearing the yells of your lover from downstairs. "Y/n l/n you get your ass up right now or I'm gonna come wake you up!!!!" You woke up and checked the time. It was 8:39 and school could start any minute! You grabbed a grey sweater, some random dark blue jeans and washed your fash, then you put your hair in a messy bun. You sniffed your armpits and grabbed the nearest perfume spraying it underneath your arms and on your clothing. You ran down the stairs and grabbed your bookbag, then you grabbed your lunch, and you and Sasuke got in his dark blue car.
(Time skip...)
You got out of the car with Sasuke and saw Naruto and Sakura. "Morning guys!" You said tiredly. "Morning!" They replied. You all walked in the school and saw a few children turn to look at you. Fan-girls came running like crazy! "Sasuke!" Yelled Sakura to come join your little group of people. Sasuke ran over and sighed in relief. You opened up your locker to go look for your Science book, you saw a red mark on your jaw and neck. You touched it slightly and it stung. You felt arms wrap around you and you frowned. "Sorry." Said Sasuke. "Really Uchiha!!??"

You lay asleep on your desk in Maths class, while Neji was sitting beside you. "Y/n wake up!" You woke up and looked around the class bored. Usually in school, you're not the shy type, you're the emo type. Neji kept scolding you but you kissed his lips so he would shut up. The bell rang and he pulled away slowly. You got up and grabbed Neji and walked out the classroom to meet up with your friends, Naruto and Hinata. You saw Naruto standing next to Hinata, not talking to her, while Hinata was texting on her phone! You walked over to them. "Hey guys!" When you got to the cafeteria, you sat down eating f/f and you were happy too! Neji was eating a cupcake. Hinata was eating a sandwich. Naruto was of course eating ramen!
(Time skip...)
You were walking out of school with your headphones on. You were listening to f/s (fav song) when Neji came over to you and kissed your lips. You kissed back. "What Neji?" You asked. Neji chuckled and gave you a chain. "Here baby." He said. You gasped and he puts the f/c diamond chain around your neck. "Thank you Neji!" You kissed Neji and he kissed back. "I love you." You roll your eyes. "Tch. Yeah. I ♥ you too." Neji chuckled a bit and you both walked to his purple car. Then you both got in and drove off to your shared apartment.

You were running through the halls of Suna HighSchool​ to get to your first period, History. And your teacher would be furious. You entered the room and saw him looking at you, his sea green eyes showed concern. "Sorry I'm late!" You said sitting next to Kankuro. "Lucky!" He teased. You groaned in response. "Now class as we all know, today is our, give your classmate a kiss day! After this period, you'll do so!" You groaned and picked up your shocking lipgloss. Gaara began to speak, "now class, you will draw the​ person you admire! Your favorite Hokage! Your village! Your favorite Kazekage!"
(Time skip...)
Gaara came walking over to you and saw what you drew. Sketched neatly, you drew Temari, Kankuro and Gaara. Below it was, The Sand Siblings. Gaara smiled with he saw a heart drawn on his forehead in the scroll. He sat beside you, and when no one was looking, Gaara kissed your lips quickly. You quickly kissed back with a blush. Gaara got up and said, "hand over your scrolls." Then Gaara felt his lips sting a little and he looked at you. He collected all scrolls. He saw Matsuri, his ex, drew him and her, making out! He saw Temari drew Shikamaru hanging from a tree but he knew her love for him was real, and he saw Kankuro drew his puppets and Gaara eating​ dangos! When class was over for break, Gaara locked the door for a, 'private meeting' with you 😉.

You watched as Kiba tried cheating on the English test that Tsunade-sama​ had given you all. You hit his hand and he only laughed a bit. The trick was cheat and not get caught! You used your eye, the Yokingan, that allows the user to see what people are thinking and she began to cheat too! After the test you and Kiba handed over your papers. You and Kiba shared a long kiss and Hinata and Shino came over. "Hey!" Said Kiba to his friends. Akumaru barked and licked your hand.
(Time skip...)
You were done with your last period, Music Class. You were picking up your bag and purse when you felt lips on your neck. "Hey baby." Kiba growled in your ear. You turned around and kissed his jaw. "Hey sexy." You moaned in his ear. Kiba growled lowly and kissed your lips. You pushed him away gently. "Not here~" when you got out the school, Kiba got inside in dark green car. You followed after and you both drove off to your shared house to get freaky 😉.

While typing this I was listening to Swalla by Jason Derulo ft. Nicki Minaj.

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